
  1. B


    Hi All, I need help trying to configure and setup of a project where the goal is to have 2 NX-5700 radios each connected to a computer using a DB25 serial cable. The goal is to use code or a program to send a message from one computer have it send through the radio that is connected. It will...
  2. M

    NX-5700/5800 Audio Issues - Rapid Clicking

    Kenwood Gurus, I'm looking for help with a persistent audio issue. I have an NX-5700/5800 dual deck setup with a KCH-20R advanced head, installed in my truck. I have an annoying, high-amplitude rapid clicking sound in the background of all transmissions made from these decks in NXDN and DMR...
  3. Kenwood NX-5700 / 5800 Remote UHF/VHF Complete Radio Setup

    Kenwood NX-5700 / 5800 Remote UHF/VHF Complete Radio Setup

    For sale is a complete Kenwood Triple RF deck mobile radio setup with advanced head, DTMF mic, speaker and all the connecting cables that has never been installed and includes all the boxes, manuals etc. This was for a project that never came to fruition and needing to find it a better home...
  4. Kenwood TK-5710 VHF P25 mobile.

    Kenwood TK-5710 VHF P25 mobile.

    I have two Kenwood TK-5710 VHF 50 Watt mobiles forsale. One has a remote head. Both include microphone, speaker, and cables. They were pulled from a working environment about three years ago when our county transitioned to DMR. One was a base station and one was used in a POV. They are in good...
  5. jeffmarshall911

    NX-5700 DMR Programming

    KPG-D1N v5.01 This is a personal mobile radio that I use for both P25 Public Safety and trying to use for DMR for ham. Pretty comfortable with Analog and P25 (conventional) programming on this radio. I have an Anytone handheld for DMR and that’s functional. In the Kenwood, I’ve created a DMR...
  6. J

    Help with Programming a NX5700-K

    I have just picked up a 5700-k and I am having issues with connecting to the radio to modify the programing it came with from my dealer. When connecting it to KPG-D1N using the KPG-46z Cable no matter what computer I try or what Prolific serial driver I use I am getting the error "check all...
  7. B

    Nexedge Software Help

    Hi all, I searched and didn't see an answer to this question, it is possible that I just missed it. I am fairly new to the Kenwood Nexedge Radio's. And I am wondering if I can transfer KWD-5100CV from one radio to another? A secondary question is does anyone know if the NX-5700-HBF comes with...
  8. J

    Kenwood NX-5700 Mic Spec (Pin 6)

    Hello guys! I am looking for some details about the audio input of this device (Microphone pin). I was searching the datasheet and actually i have this: Impedance Input : 600 Ohm Allowable Frequency : 300 - 3000 Hz Audio Level : 5.0 mVrms...
  9. M

    NX-5700 -very newbie basic question

    Hello all, I am both a Ham & IT admin for a hospital and after almost 4 years of asking, the administration finally purchased a Emergency Radio system for communicating with area hospitals & local EMA during the 'big one'. I'm still acquainting myself with the software and doing some...
  10. O

    NX-5000 And Mobile Relay Station (Cross Band Repeat)

    I just wanted to pass along my findings to the forum after I got my L-5023 Mobile Relay Station Cable installed and set up in KPG-1D. It works pretty well, press a button and your in crossband mode, press the exit button and you are out. what comes in one band goes out on another like you might...