railroad radio

  1. C

    How to set up radio?

    How do I set up a baofeng BF-F8HP Pro to listen to Kentucky railroads?
  2. M

    TRX-1 not recognizing CN and CP channels?

    I just bought a TRX-1 Scanner and had it delivered yesterday and I added the channels of both CN and CP and even the EOT frequency. Not even a peep from the closest detector. Or even the local yard which is about 5 miles or less away. I do get VIA talking when coming into the station and...
  3. 1977addis

    Railroad radio repeater networks QUESTION

    I have a question regarding listening to train crews from afar. So I’ve been a railfan for years now, I have good commercial/ ham gear to listen and I understand that dispatchers talk to the crews on the rails via Microwave but I’ve always wondered why I can’t hear the train crews from long...
  4. S

    What portable AAR radios have been made?

    American Association of Railroads (AAR) I recall there being a line of VHF portable radios with DTMF function that also allowed the user to field program select AAR channels for TX and RX. It looks similar to a MT2000 or some other "Jedi" series radio. I think the scan feature was deleted and...