raspberry pi

  1. D

    SDR# Spyserver - Two feeds - One Raspberry Pi.

    I have my Airspy R2 connected to a Raspberry Pi 3b with Spyserver installed located in an outbuilding. I have now bought a Discovery HF+ that I wish to connect to the Pi along with the R2. I am having difficultly finding easy to follow instructions (written or video) how to achieve this. If...
  2. K

    CDM CDM1550 for Allstar using a Universal Radio Controller

    Hello, I have a Universal Radio Controller (URC - Universal Radio Controller v2.2 Technical Reference – G1LRO HOMEPAGE) and I have it configured for Allstar using a HampVoip, ASL3 on Pi4 and Pi5. I have used 2 radios successfully, a Quancheng and I built a cable for a Leixen 898. Both work...
  3. W2SOX

    Raspberry PI BCFY "xterm" error fix!

    Hello Everyone, Randomly had my feed go down today, was not sure why. Anyways, when attempting to start the BCFY Shell I was getting this error: So I figured I could do apt-get update and upgrade, no luck. I found this command after some digging and got me back into business. I did not see...
  4. RenoHuskerDu

    462.575 roboclock issue and resolution

    Howdy, Three days ago, we started hearing robotrx of the time on 462.575 (GMRS16) in response to a DTMF prompt as well as on the hour. No station ID, and it went on 24x7 so I guessed it was misconfiguration. I poked around a bit on FB GMRS groups and found the answer. Seems many GMRS repeaters...
  5. T

    Home Assistant Fire/EMS Tone Alert Automation

    Saw this post and it got me thinking about getting Fire/EMS alerts via Home Assistant for lighting automation (ex: When a call gets paged over radio, flash my room lights red) Updated post here. How to get Home Assistant to know when I have to respond to a call? Many volunteer first responders...
  6. AngWay

    SDRTrunk Raspberry Pi with SDRtrunk

    Just wanted to show everyone my setup i'm using a pi 4 with two dongles and a LNA going out to a J Pole on top of my house i'm running SDRTrunk i'm also testing out OP25. i'll attach pictures. Thanks to everyone on this forum that has helped me so much, it's really meant more than you know and...
  7. K

    No Audio OP25 (boatbod) Raspberry Pi

    Hi everyone, I've been using the boatbod version of OP25's rx.py to listen to Seattle's PSERN with no major issues for some time but wanted to see if I could improve the performance by adding a second SDR and moving up to multi_rx.py. However, I am not hearing any audio and the decode rate has...
  8. fury88

    gqrx and pulse audio giving me dead air stream

    I had a power outage the other day and ever since I booted my raspberry pi 4 board up with the bcfy image I no longer get audio. I can see the audio registering in pulse audio for my USB audio device but the stream does mot have audio. I don’t see anything muted and it seems pretty straight...
  9. 4

    Unable to start streaming with darkice

    Hello, I am trying to get my feed up & running on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. I logged into my account from bcfy-shell and started the service. But when I check the status, it shows as "activating". When I checked the error log, it shows as below. I tried flashing the image to SD card 3...
  10. K

    1 Antenna 2 feeds

    Has any run into a issue where you have 2 feeds running on 1 raspberry pi and using 1 antenna where the audio mixes on both feeds? When I use 2 separate antennas and the audio mixing goes away.
  11. X

    Raspberry Pi Zello Client - Works like Broadcastify Calls

    Hi! So I saw a few people asking about a better way to send audio to Zello. I see all sorts of setups, like emulating Android or using a phone. Well, what I have done is create a some what custom Python implementation of the Zello client. It works similarly to Broadcastify Calls API. The idea...
  12. D

    OP25 OP25 + Liquidsoap = No Audio

    Again- thank you in advance for any assistance! Making progress here...but getting no audio. I must be missing something! I've got OP25 monitoring the control channel I want and it appears that liquidsoap is sending data to Winamp: Winamp is getting meta info from OP25 (the talkgroup is in...
  13. D

    OP25 RasPi 4 + OP25 Not Using trunk.tsv or Streaming

    Hello! First and foremost - thank you in advance for the help! I provide the DUCOMM Channel 1 East feed in IL on Broadcastify and am looking to improve it by using my RasPi (maybe include more talkgroups, etc.). I am trying to monitor STARCOM21 (Illinois; specifically the 774.43125 control...
  14. buckyswider

    OP25: No audio after migrating to Pi 4

    Hi all, probably a really stupid question here. I had/have OP25 up and running great on my Pi3B (save the flaky USB port that boatbod helped me diagnose earlier). For various reasons, I want to move this to a Pi 4. Install went smooth. OP25 up and running. But I'm getting no audio. The web...
  15. J

    OP25 Distorted Audio

    Hi All! I'm having the same issue as this thread: OP25 Audio Slow and Choppy I'm using a brand new RPI 4b (1gig) and new NooElec NESDR smart v4 running raspbian buster. I am trying to listen to the North Fulton Regional Radio System (NFRRSA). My first setup had audio that sounded terrible, so...
  16. P

    OP25 Should a Raspberry Pi Zero be fast enough for OP25?

    Hello all! I am trying to get OP25 running on a Raspberry Pi Zero. I can get OP25 to run, and I can get the audio piped over the network to my desktop PC so I can hear it. However, I have to turn the sample rate for rx.py way down to get OP25 to detect any transmissions, and even then, it...
  17. M

    rPiAIS - AIS Dispatcher for Raspberry Pi

    rPiAIS - AIS Dispatcher ​for Raspberry Pi. ​The project web page of rPiAIS is: http://www.aishub.net/rpiais Build​ an advanced ​AIS station with Raspberry Pi. rPiAIS project is an implementation of AIS Dispatcher for Raspberry Pi devices. It supports broad range of AIS receivers connected...
  18. J

    SDRplay downloadable SD-Card Image for Raspberry Pi3 Model B+

    The SDRplay downloadable Raspberry Pi SD-card image has been updated to include support for the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ device. This provides plug and play SDR functionality using Cubic SDR and remote access to an RSP using Soapy Remote More information and the link to the downloadable image can be...
  19. J

    Non-windows SDRplay Command Line Tool examples updated

    For those of you developing your own applications, SDRplay have updated the play_sdr command line tool on their GitHub repository ( http://www.github.com/SDRplay/examples ) to support both the RSP1 and RSP2. This tool also supports 16bit or 8bit output so that it can be used in conjunction with...
  20. K

    Decoding P25 NAC

    Hello, As I look around, a straightforward answer does not pop out... What software is needed to display the full metadata from a trunked P25 system signal? (Metrocrest Quad Cities Public Safety Radio System Trunking System, Carrollton, Texas - Scanner Frequencies) Or really..where does one...