
  1. KQ4VKM

    Favorite and Least Favorite Scanners?

    I am simply curious about everyone's opinion given the wealth of experience here: Everyone, what is both your favorite and least favorite scanner that you have ever owned? I'll go first: my favorite scanner would have to be the Uniden SDS100. While I concede the battery life is less than stellar...
  2. m6oef

    DP3600 not picking up audio on DMR channel

    Good morning everyone. Ive been listening scanning local businesses etc on DMR via a Baofeng 1701 running opengd77 firmware. Its told me the TG, FREQ, TS and CC and ive then set up that same information on my DP3600. For the most part the DP3600 has worked the same as the Baofeng and I can...
  3. C

    XPR 6550 for listening

    Will a xpr 6550 work for my needs to monitor my local agencies UCSO and PD and fire I’m not going to purchase a scanner I previously had the sds200 had to sell it due to financial reasons and not in the position to purchase it or any other one. So I’m looking for someone that’s knowledgeable on...
  4. AngWay

    Help with a couple frequencies DMR/NXDN/IDAS

    Can some of you all look at these frequencies and tell me what you think. one is showing up as cap+ on my sds100 and the other is showing it's way to far away for me to be picking it up but everything that comes back on it is right. 461.6500 shows This on my scanner and shows This as where it's...
  5. AngWay

    My hit count is not showing correctly. Help

    I have tried PSREdit500 Arc500 and Win500 and i enable hit count on them all and upload to my pro 652, and i let the scanner run awhile and then copy the scanner back to the software and it won't show the correct hit count. for example take 155.5500 and 155.4900 i seen the scanner stop on those...
  6. AngWay

    Yagi or J pole?

    So i am new to this and completely in the dark somewhat, i am looking at antennas and i need one to pick up a specific band as good as i can, right now i'm using a discone on my roof and i have a freqs on 453.6625 that i can pull in well enough for dsdplus fastlane to tell me what it is and the...
  7. AngWay

    DSDPlus Is this DMR trunked or not trunked?

    Ok maybe this is a trunked system . i see signals and they are constant like the p25 control channels are. but none of this is in the RRDB , if someone could help me figure this out it would be a huge help and get the database updated hopefully . because i'm getting DMR that is suppose to be...
  8. kickflip

    OSU Stadium Frequencies

    Hello, Over the past few home games in the shoe, I've seen staff carrying Motorola CP200D's UHF and was wondering if anyone has a list of stadium operation frequencies. I'm curious about what goes on during game day and interested in monitoring security, coaching stuff, and whatever I can...
  9. AngWay

    DSDPlus and NXDN48 and 96

    With DSDPlus Fastlane do i have to set anything up in order to decode NEXEDGE, i have been able to listen to NEXEDGE sometimes but sometimes i set it to a NEXEDGE channel and it doesn't decode. like NEXEDGE48 CB it will decode those and NEXEDGE96 CB i will add a screenshot showing the NEXEDGE...
  10. AngWay

    SDRtrunk recordings & talkgroups.

    While using SDRtrunk i'v noticed some things that i just don't understand. I'll attach some pics showing but how come at the bottom of the first pic i have two TG's showing up side by side i'v never seen it do this before is it a bug or is it suppose to do that? In the alias tab i have like 6...
  11. Cashanova48

    ECIREC And Utility scanning

    Recently, I have been monitoring ECIREC Ops recently (Past month or so), and I have only heard a small amount of communication. That being units returning to the yard using codes used in public safety like 10-7 to let a dispatcher know they are Shift-End. I am new to monitoring electric company...
  12. AngWay

    Some help please on RSPdx and sdrtrunk

    So i bought a RSPdx and to be honest it has been a nightmare, i thought it would be just like the RTL-SDR dongles that i was using but it's a whole other beast "at least for me" so far i have been able to get it to work with sdr++ and sdrconnect and i got it working with sdrtrunk the nightly...
  13. AngWay

    Why is my audio so choppy?

    Hi can anyone help me with some directions here. my audio sounds choppy when scanning a set of freqs. can anyone tell me if this my computer or could it be the signal of the people thats talking. I'm using DSDPlus Fastlane with a i3 10gb ram laptop. Many Thanks! Clip 1 Clip 2 Clip 3
  14. AngWay

    DSDPLus Fastlane and setting up scanlist

    I'm wondering if when i scan a set of frequencies with dsdplus fastlane. if i set it to scan only two different freqs will it miss less of the traffic compared to if i set it to scan say 6 different freqs or does the software go to the freqs that is currently active? is their a way to set it up...
  15. AngWay

    DSDPlus Fastlane and recording

    Hello everyone i have a problem i can't seem to figure out. i'm using dsdplus fl and i'm letting it scan and i'm trying to record everything, so far i notice that it's recording NEXEDGE48 and NEXEDGE96 and it'll record P25 but it's not recording DMR or regular analog or anything else, and i can...
  16. V

    Branford Police & Fire reception

    I’m in East Haven, (Foxon side), Our next my town over, Branford Police & Fire, have always been a solid 4 bars excellent p25 reception in the clear on this side of town. Just within the past 3-4 months it’s dropped down to 0-1 bars, which doesn’t work out at all. This is on all three of...
  17. AngWay

    What scanner should i get?

    What would be the CHEAPEST scanner besides a rtl-sdr dongle could get by with to listen to everything in my area? Thanks a lot. My Area My Area
  18. K

    Trying to identify an 800mhz frequency in Ingham County

    Hello. I am doing some scanning in East Lansing, MI, and have come across a frequency: 851.475 to 851.4875 MHz. It is not always 100% duty cycle, and sounds like some sort of digital audio format, but not one that is familiar to me. It is a strong signal like a repeater output. Additionally...
  19. K

    Turn XTS into a scanner

    Hello. Hopefully this is the right place for this. So, basically, I am a radio nerd in Michigan and want to listen to MPSCS. I understand that MPSCS is fully P25 phase II capable, but all talkgroups are phase I in every county except Oakland. Making this thread I'm assuming they'll stay phase I...
  20. kf6olc

    13 Frequencies You Need in Your Scanner for 2024
