
  1. L

    Computer not recognizing radio audio input

    Hi all. I'm new to radio recording and doing some work on it for a professor of mine. I'm using a Uniden BCD436HP Radio. I've downloaded ProScan and been able to get my radio connected to it such that the radio communicates with the program. However, the ultimate goal of this project is...
  2. A

    XPR8400 connection issues

    Hello. I have an XPR8400 and I cannot for the life of me get the computer to see it via a USB programming cable. When I plug the USB cable into the computer it does show a network connection prompt but I cannot connect to it. The repeater does show a IP address however when I attempt to...
  3. C

    Wireless bridge not linking repeaters

    Good day everyone. I am having a problem with my 2 linked repeaters I have done for a client. The 2 repeaters are to be linked together with Ubiquiti airMAX AC5 radios. Here is the overview of everything: Site: Repeater 1: Kirisun DR600, 4-stack folded dipole with highest dipole at 58m; Link 1...
  4. 5

    Can't get KNG 150 to go into bootloader mode

    Hello, I'm a novice, and trying to program my KNG P150. I've purchased the programming software, but can't get my radio to go into bootloader mode. If any of you can help me, I'd be grateful. I've tried the regular method, of holding the PTT button while powering on, and that doesn't work...
  5. M

    HF radio only transmitting clearly with high VSWR

    Hi all, ive ran into an interesting issue with my Xiegu G90 HF transceiver, the quick run down is at any point where VSWR is high through any antenna, the radio will transmit clear audio, but when VSWR is low or perfect even, the audio comes out like a cyclic buzzing sound, the Receiver used is...
  6. I

    Siren issue with XTL5000 W9 Head

    I seem to be having siren issues with my trunk mount VHF XTL5000 with a W9 head. The siren used to work fine until my radio suddenly wouldn't boot when starting my car. It would only flash the backlight for a split second, turn off, then flash again until the ignition was turned off. The radio...
  7. C

    Rdio scanner server and saving changes

    Hello, i set up a local rdio scanner server thats connected to sdrtrunk so i can roll the tapes back if need be. ive been editing the talkgroups and organizing everything, and have made some serious progress. however i am having an issue that just popped up out of nowhere. all of a sudden, when...
  8. C

    Ws1010 analog scanner

    So in wanted an analog scanner mainly for airband. I almost exclusively buy things thru amazon prime so I had to pick between a 120 dollar Whistler or a 200 dollar uniden. I'm a Uniden guy, with uniden radios, and 3 uniden scanners, so this is my first time with Whistler. I got the scanner...
  9. C

    SDRTrunk Sdrtrunk and control channels

    Hello. I'm new to scanning and newer to SDRs, but I do actually have 75% of it figured out. I know how to use sdr++, pdw, sdrtrunk, satsagen, dsd+, and all that stuff. After I figured out sdrtrunk, I discovered it was comical Ly easy to create a broadcastify calls node and a feed. So I did both...

    XTL/XTS5000 Can’t adjust Squelch or other settings on W4 Control head

    Alright, I feel kinda silly posting this I have an Astro XTL 5000 with the W4 control head. I am trying to adjust the squelch settings on the unit from the control head. Following the instructions provided on page 50 of this manual, I am pressing and holding the MON button until Squelch...
  11. M

    TK 890 Troubleshoot

    Hi all, Longtime reader, first time poster. I recently acquired a TK-890 w/ a KRK7DB, a KCH11 remote head, and it is configured for ignition sense. Despite the dual band set up, I was able to have it reprogrammed to run as a single band unit and I acquired it from another working environment...
  12. X

    Motorola XIR 8668i

    I am hoping some one maybe able to help me with the following. We shipped a vehicle to Asia with 3nos XIR 8668i. We purchased there devices from a dealer in asia. The customer requested for advanced encryption feature to be activated. We managed to active the feature in two of the devices...
  13. B

    I can hear fine, but when I try to transmit, no power makes it to my antenna

    So I recently bought a cb radio, it's an old hy-gain 1 681 (the forty channel model), and a mag mount mic, I don't yet have an swr meter, so I don't know if it's tuned or not. I can hear just fine, but when I try to transmit, nobody hears me. I started troubleshooting the problem, and found...
  14. ExpatLMRGuy

    New Trunking System, New Problems with the KMF

    Good day all, I wrote here a few years ago asking for help and it was provided by this amazing community. Over the past two years I have continued visiting and learning from those more knowledgeable than myself. I have been out of the Motorola game since 2018 but recently just got back and alot...
  15. RookieRooster

    High SWR troubleshooting

    Hello, I have a Cobra 29LX with a four foot FireStik on my 2017 F-350 (Its aluminum) I grounded my antenna to my trucks bed. My SWR readings on all the channels are above three. I have tried multiple antennas, all FireStiks. In the pictures, does the cable look like a good quality coax? The...
  16. T

    RF Interference and Hybrid Vehicles

    Hey All, Ed (WRCQ448 on GMRS here) I have a really dumb question. I have a close friend (ham op) who is having a big issue with his vehicle pretty much being a faraday cage. It’s a Subaru Crosstrek Hybrid. When it switches to hybrid mode pretty much any radio signal that’s not AM/FM/HD cuts...
  17. firechaser97

    Pro-668: PRO 668 not scanning anything.

    My radio is not picking up p25 nomore. I've done everything I could. I've formatted and restored everything in the radio back to default. nothing is working. the system I've been scanning for the last 3 years the Oklahoma wireless interoperability network P25 has been working great and just...
  18. firechaser97

    Okwin p25 tulsa cc change?

    I've been a freelance photographer all around Tulsa county. My handheld scanner the pro 668 been working fine on the P25 system for 2 years now. all of a sudden the last couple days. my radios gone cold. I don't hear Tulsa police nomore. or any of the talkgroups on the Tulsa site. the primary...
  19. B

    PRO-652 Issues with receiving

    I am new to scanning, and I started out with the PRO-652. I am having no issues with any other talkgroups in my area, or conventional frequencies. I live near Dayton, OH and am trying to receive the county wide talkgroup ( I have all of the RR...
  20. M

    BCD396XT/BCD996XT: BCD996xt Recording Issue

    I'm having a problem with choosing which channels I can and cannot record. According to the terms of service with broadastify, I cannot broadcast my county's aviation unit, but I still want to listen to it. I tried multiple time to make it so the aviation channel was not recording out, but it...