uniden bcd396t help

  1. B

    Uniden BCD396XT FreeScan APCO P25 Help

    Please Help! I am new to the scanner world. I have purchased a Uniden BCD396XT from Amazon two weeks ago, and I am still learning how to use it. I live in the Rankin County Mississippi Area, and I am trying to program the MSWIN APCO P25 system into my scanner. I'm tring to listen to the...
  2. J

    Uniden BCD396XT literally getting stuck on every frequency

    I recently used a friend's software to program my Uniden BCD396XT for three counties here in central Illinois. That was about two weeks ago, and everything was rolling along smoothly until today. The software programmed in 8 banks of talk groups, and I locked out groups 4-8 because I don't...
  3. W

    uniden BCD396t Stopped picking up Orange County, CA

    I have been using my BCD396t for almost a year now with no problems. I monitor MetroNet and OCFA in Orange County, CA. About a week or so ago in the middle of the day my scanner stopped picking up frequencies. My buddy who has the same one said his did too. He does have a base scanner of the...
  4. W

    uniden BCD396t Stopped picking up Orange County, CA

    I have been using my BCD396t for almost a year now with no problems. I monitor MetroNet and OCFA in Orange County, CA. About a week or so ago in the middle of the day my scanner stopped picking up frequencies. My buddy who has the same one said his did too. He does have a base scanner of the...
  5. S

    Scanner Programming Help

    I have a Uniden BCD396T that I purchased in January from Scanner Master. I paid for programming and bought the ARC software. All of the sudden i am not able to hear our local PD anymore. Does anyone know of any scanner programmers or services i can contact to get some help? Thanks!