verdugo fire

  1. S

    Verdugo Fire Communications: What am I doing wrong?

    Hello everyone! Please bear with me while I try to explain the situation. I've been an avid scanner listener for a while now and up to this point, I really enjoy listening to my local LASD and LACoFD and CHP frequencies and a few other local agencies. But I recently had to lock-out the dispatch...
  2. N

    Interagency Communications Interoperability System (ICIS)

    This past weekend 2/1-2/15 My scanner went dark for Verdugo Fire and Burbank PD. It has now returned with what seems to be all changed Talkgroup numbers. It sounds like I'm getting Burbank PD Dispatch on Verdugo Fire Red 2. I do not know if other agencies sharing Interagency Communications...
  3. D

    Verdugo Fire Dispatch

    I just bought a new scanner and I am trying to find the frequencies that I need to input into my scanner to pick up the Verdugo Fire Dispatch that handles the fire and EMS calls to most of the San Gabriel Valley, including Pasadena, Arcadia, etc. Could someone please reply with the frequencies...
  4. N

    Los Angeles County ICIS

    Does any one know if Burbank PD and Verdugo Fire are now encoded? My scanner (Uniden BCD396T) seems to have gone quiet.