
  1. Whistler WS-1098 Excellent Condition w/box and all accessories

    Whistler WS-1098 Excellent Condition w/box and all accessories

    Whistler WS1098, has removable face plate, covers P25 Phase 1 and 2 plus DMR, with box and all accessories which includes USB cable for programming, cable for face plate to scanner, AC adapter, antenna, vehicle mounting kit (including original screws) and new SD card which came with scanner...
  2. R

    MPSCS Site Scanning with Whistler WS0198

    My Whistler WS1098 is scanning the MPSCS system in Northern Michigan. I primarily monitor the Oscoda County, MI sites, but other sites in nearby/adjoining counties are programmed as well for when I'm in/near those counties and/or propagation is favorable. I've noticed that several sites/counties...
  3. Quint-1-29

    Radio ID Needs to be in a scanlist to display???

    Just noticed that I had an RID in another Scanlist, so it didn't display since I had that list turned off. My question and/or wish is RIDs to display no matter what Scanlist you are operating in for that TRS. Another thing while I'm asking for wishes. Why do you need a Delay for a UID/RID when...
  4. P

    Help. WS1098. Unable to Receive Digital Signals

    I'm hoping that someone could help me out here. I live in Lewis County WV and Law Enforcement here recently upgraded their radios to Digital. From what I read it's P25 Phase 1. So I purchased a Whistler 1098 from and it seems like a nice scanner radio. Up until now I've owned...
  5. R

    Brand new WS198 Won't power up after DSP update

    Got home with the new 1098, connected to computer, it identified the firmware needed updating. It appeared to be doing its thing then an error message came up and said it lost communication with the unit. Said to unplug USB cable and then try again. Problem is that I can't get it to turn on any...
  6. R

    Newbie Here

    Hi, Just wanted to say hello and thanks, joined the other day and have been reading up on all the info posted. Great information to read thru, it's been a while since I have used a scanner. I'm in the Sacramento CA area and haven't touched a scanner in several years. I started out with a...
  7. X

    WS1095: Live control

    Is there any live control PC software for the ws1095/ws1098? EZ scan works but it's tedious to constantly edit, turn off the radio, upload the entire configuration, restart the scanner, test the new settings. A pc based direct edit capability organized like EZScan would be great. Thanks, xl600
  8. X


    I've been using my BC296D for years to listen to the Seattle King County Public Safety system with no issues. I've always wanted to monitor the South Sound 911 system (P25 PH II) so I picked up a new WS1098 in the hopes I could finally monitor that system. No matter what I try, I can't seem to...