xtl 5000

  1. L

    XTL 5000 Control Heads and Remote Kits

    Hello, I’ve done a fair amount of research on this, but I thought I’d ask the professionals. I’m an IT guy and have only worked with police Motorola radios for a couple years now. I know there’s some esoteric “mid production changes” related to these questions, so I am looking for the proper...
  2. N

    XTL/XTS5000 Issue powering W4 Tib without control head

    I am ultimately looking to convert this W4 Tib to use a W3 HHCH however atm i cant even figure out how to get it to power on. I have tried jumping 20->22 Ignition has 12v All grounds are on the same common I can find squat for info on the W4 Tib. I have two radios with the same Tibs same...
  3. K

    Astro Spectra/XTL W-Series Keyloader Pinout

    Keyloading an Astro Spectra using the Kfd tool shield. I am attempting to build a connector for the w series control head mic port. Does anybody know what the sense, ground, and signal on the Kfd tool shield should go to on the w series control head mic port?
  4. curtisdevault

    O3 Control Head Ignition Issue

    I have two XTL5000s that I’ve switched to O3 control heads from O5 to not take up so much space in the new truck. Radios are on constant 12v and the ignition sense cable is hooked to a confirmed circuit that has 12v when the ignition is on. The radios do not power on when the vehicle is turned...
  5. S

    XTL-5000 not turning on (used)

    Hello, I have an XTL-5000 700/800 MHz radio that is not turning on when pressing power on. It might be my mistake since I might be doing something wrong, I only have 1 year of Motorola experience and do know how to use CPS but I don’t have a programming cable for this one. My setup is basically...
  6. R

    XTL/XTS5000 XTL CPS RS232 Legacy Cables No Longer Used?

    Hi, I have 2 x OEM XTL series legacy programming cables. HKN6183A (RS232 to GCAI) and HKN6160B (RS232 to rear accessory). With newer authorised CPS, my USB OEM HKN6163C cable works just fine, OEM HKN6184C works just fine on the last authorised XTL CPS with FW 8.xx onwards, but the RS232...
  7. P

    MIP5000 and XTL5000

    So I’m not sure where to post this, but hopefully it gets to the right place. My department is in the middle of changing to P25 800. We have had techs in our dispatch center trying to figure out this issue and are still having no luck. We have a MIP5000 console with a Astro 25 XTL5000 in (tone)...
  8. E

    Motorola XTL5000 Mic Keyup Tone

    Hey all, Was wondering does anyone know how to activate the Long Beep PTT Mic Keyup Tone for a Motorola XTL5000? Software I'm using is Astro25 Mobile R20.01.00 CPS Programming Software. Any help would be much appreciated!
  9. E

    Astro25 Mobile R20.01.00 CPS Programming Software

    Hi all, Does anyone know where I can purchase the Astro25 Mobile R20.01.00 CPS Programming Software? Looking to program a XTL5000 I just picked up and dont want to pay the 60$ or so to download it from hamfiles.uk. Thanks!
  10. S

    XTL 5000 fading receive

    I'm working with an XTL 5000 and it's receive strength starts out fine, but quickly weakens gradually. Nothing has changed in the radio and we haven't had power outages. Also, it's happening on all the channels from multiple radios, so i've narrowed it down to the specific radio being the...
  11. A

    KVL to XTL 5000 Cable

    Hello all, I'm currently in Iraq and my unit has a XTL 5000 Consolette Base Station. We are unable to use the Base Station because we are using a Encrypted Network and I cant find the cable to load the Crypto from the KVL to the Radio and I was hoping that someone knew what cable I needed. V/R...