Keep the following 10m FM freqs in your scanner as a good way to hear band openings and follow propagation/activity....
29.600 FM simplex national freq
29.620 FM repeater output
29.640 FM repeater output
29.660 FM repeater output
29.680 FM repeater output
( if you're hearing guys on 2m simplex, or local guys on a 2m repeater, you should be within range to hear them on 10m.....but if you're listening to regional 2m repeaters you'll probably be too far from the individual operating stations to hear them on 10m groundwave and not far enough away to hear them via skip on HF.... but you'll be situated just right to hear someone 3,000 miles away !)
but enjoy 10m an example, you'll get used to having a New York City, Boston, or Virgin Island repeater as a "local" repeater very often !