All I hear on 11175 is Andrews to all stations. I have heard a young female three times and twice what sounds like guys in aircraft. I suppose that's a pretty good catch all the way from Maryland to here on the west coast. I just leave the R75 to monitor while I am doing stuff and I always get something.
I wonder what the codes are?
They are EAM's
EAM stands for Emergency Action Message. These coded military orders and bulletins have higher traffic priority than all other traffic except in-flight emergencies. Other users of the frequencies are supposed to stand by when one is in progress.
The distinctive touch-tone beeps (DTMF tones) heard at the end of transmissions from Offutt and some others are left over from Giant Talk days. Offutt, in particular, has capability to seize all of the ground net, and truly talk like a giant. The beeps key and unkey remote transmitters. The echoes heard are both propagation delays and the result of slow landlines or satellites going to the distant sites.
SKYKING messages are special EAM, Emergency Action Messages, presumably the nuclear go/no-go codes. Urgent ones are repeated three or four times, instead of the usual two. SKYKING is a group callsign for units in the Single Integrated Operation Plan for strategic operations." "Do not answer" is the standard procedure for self-authenticating broadcasts, so that recipients don't need to give away their positions or existence by challenging the traffic.
Of couse as of today the SKYKING messages all have been drills.
Although on 9/11 and when we went into Iraq they were SKYKING messages every few minutes for about 6 hours.
Do a fourm search here on radio ref for eam and it should retrive many hits
Also see
Can be heard on milair uhf freqs also 311.0 , 381.3 and 321.0
Also check out these HF-GCS freq's
Primary HF-GCS Frequencies - 24 hours 8992.0 11175.0
Back up HF-GCS Frequencies - DAY 13200.0 15016.0
Back up HF-GCS Frequencies - NIGHT 4724.0 6739.0