Hear 166.500 with a 156.7 tone. Hear about once a day with one unit calling dispatch for a radio check. All in the clear. Thought maybe a V.A. Hospital in Kansas City or Leavenworth. Anyone have any ideas?
Cemetery is still on 168.3625 and the Leavenworth VA hospital police are still on 163.0875 but have switched back to analog mode. I've never heard anything on 166.500. Do they call at some particular time of day? My location is about 20 mi. SW of Leavenworth and I normally hear the VA hospital clearly.
Bob, WoNXN
Bob, what tone on the VA Analog ?
I believe it is good old 156.7. I'll double check it, but if I don't inform differently, that's it.
Yep, 156.7. They moved to 163.0875 several years ago when they shifted to digital. The system was encrypted at the beginning. I only figured out who they were because the VA police disappeared from their old frequency just as the new digital system lit up. After a few months they suddenly switched to clear voice. As far as I could tell the digital system was working fine for them. But after a couple of years they've gone back to analog.
Bob, WoNXN
Thanks, wonder if they are running dual-mode and have just found they like analog better, but can switch when needed. We have some here in New England who are dual mode [DEA & CAP]
The radio checks are usally the same. A person calls AOD to control. Any ideas you AOD could be?