Made a few changes to the install... of course, the radio was overloading the scanner a little bit so I wanted to give the antennas a little more separation both vertically and horizontally to eliminate this. It was also bothering me that I didn't have a display or controls readily accessible for the scanner except from the glove compartment. So I wanted to add the Uniden RH-96 remote head as well.
The fender was pretty much the only other place to put the scanner antenna. Because the Patriot has a unique hood shape, a regular 90-degree fender mount bracket wasn't going to do. I found a thread on (
Two-Way Radio Install? - Page 2 - Jeep Patriot Forums) in which they used a Dodge Ram fender mount to accommodate the lip. I used the Laird SBH3400 bracket (
Laird Technologies SBH3400 Dodge Ram Antenna Bracket | TESSCO) and it works fine. We drilled a new hole in the center of the bracket to bring the bracket in tighter against the fender so it doesn't stick out. It's bolted on using a bolt that was already there, so no new holes. I am slightly concerned about some rubbing, but some adhesive felt or the hook side of Velcro might cushion it nicely.
Instead of the Antenex ETRAB8063 Phantom Elite Antenna that I've been using, I figured I'd do well with a nice traditional-style antenna on the fender. I am now using a Laird B8065CN 806-866 5dB no ground plane antenna that I had laying around. Talk about super gain! This pulls in trunked systems further than any other 800 MHz antenna I've tried. It works well on UHF as well, but not so hot on VHF, but I rarely ever need that band.
I moved the BCD996T out of the glove compartment to underneath the passenger's seat with the other radio. When trying to find a spot to place the RH-96 head, the only decent place to mount it was in the cubby above the glove compartment (no, it's not in the air bag deployment zone). I'd rather have everything in one place instead of all spread around, so I moved the ID-800H head down to the cubby too. We took the rubber mat out of the cubby, drilled through the bottom to run cables, and stuck the heads down and replaced the mat. You can't even tell the difference. I like it a lot better in the cubby... I don't have to reach as far to turn the volume up/down as I did when the radio head was in the headliner. The only bad thing is that my ProClip mount that I haven't ordered yet might get in the way.