We're aware of the site being down. If you are reading this, we're back up.
Our NFS server died. This server had been running, I'm not joking, for 1120 days without a reboot. It's really the only component of the site that doesn't have easy failover capability. Think of it as this little brain that hosts all the code for all the servers, web, archive, audio, everything. It's a small server. Doesn't need to be large. But it's important, and if it has a problem, everything has a problem.
I wouldn't be surprised if the server had some sort of hardware failure and just locked up. I really don't know what happened to it. That's the beauty of the cloud. We launched it on a new server somewhere out there in the data centers across N America. All should be well now.
Thanks for your patience, and sorry for the short down time of about 30 minutes this Saturday.
Our NFS server died. This server had been running, I'm not joking, for 1120 days without a reboot. It's really the only component of the site that doesn't have easy failover capability. Think of it as this little brain that hosts all the code for all the servers, web, archive, audio, everything. It's a small server. Doesn't need to be large. But it's important, and if it has a problem, everything has a problem.
I wouldn't be surprised if the server had some sort of hardware failure and just locked up. I really don't know what happened to it. That's the beauty of the cloud. We launched it on a new server somewhere out there in the data centers across N America. All should be well now.
Thanks for your patience, and sorry for the short down time of about 30 minutes this Saturday.
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