what systems operate at 220mhz/trunking - in use by commercial entities?
I'm trying to monitor a local (south Louisiana) electric company that the FCC lists as: Non-Nationwide 5 Channel Trunked, 220 MHz. FCC shows ~10 freq's assigned per license.
It sounds like LTR as I get 2 or 3 units (including base) comms (searching) on freq's between those listed, the carrier remains between different units and remains afterwords for several seconds until ended by a data burst. They also always come with a CTCSS. I tried monitoring as LTR with no success.
I can listen successfully by using the search hit freqs as conv with sq search.
Just trying to understand this stuff...
Thanks for your thoughts & help,
I'm trying to monitor a local (south Louisiana) electric company that the FCC lists as: Non-Nationwide 5 Channel Trunked, 220 MHz. FCC shows ~10 freq's assigned per license.
It sounds like LTR as I get 2 or 3 units (including base) comms (searching) on freq's between those listed, the carrier remains between different units and remains afterwords for several seconds until ended by a data burst. They also always come with a CTCSS. I tried monitoring as LTR with no success.
I can listen successfully by using the search hit freqs as conv with sq search.
Just trying to understand this stuff...
Thanks for your thoughts & help,
Who makes two-way radios that are compatible with this band?
you need to reresearch your data on 220 mhz from cornerstone. I have lots of sea radios and they all talk to each other clear as a bell and there is no interferance from anyone. Cornerstone only has repeaters on the east coast and the west coast and in OK city and Tulsa. There is not a single 220 mhz from cornerstone anywhere in the midwest. That's their exact words. Too many wide open spaces and too many tornadoes. So I use my radios all thru the midwest and I love it.