Thanks, yeah I hear a lot about putting this thing (Regency HR2B) out to pasture. It's a crappy receiver too. However, my intent is actually milking it for all it's got
Unfortunately yes, the 146.52 crystal (which is actually divided by 18 due to the multipliers) appears to be dead. So what do I do...
Make my own
Actually no, I'm not going to cut a crystal, H*LL NO. My plan was to design and build a VFO for this unit. Yes, capacitors, inductors, phase comparator, frequency multiplier, PLL, microcontroller, whole nine yards. I calculated out that the simplest VFO I can build I unfortunately can go no better than 10KHz steps receive and 5KHz transmit due to receiver design and the components at hand. While this actually works out well for 146.52, my transmit goal is unfortunately a 5KHz-step radio club repeater in the area which I know has listeners as I've heard some ragchewing on the scanner.
So what do I do with the transceiver, I won't be able to hear, even if I transmit perfectly on frequency? But wait, I didn't break my scanner suddenly! So to prove my design, I plan transmit on frequency and listen on the scanner. Done!
From my calculations I need at least a 17-bit divider for my PLL to get 5KHz step, but I'm too lazy to build such, at least to prove this idea will work. A 16 bit divider as these are easy to get -- one bit loss will double the step to 10KHz. Believe me, the added complexity of one extra counter bit is painful. I didn't look into 15KHz step and force it to land on the repeater because my calculations indicate that it then won't land on 146.52. Dilemma. Took the easy way out and just use the scanner for receive, and at least I should be able to use this transceiver for APRS as this frequency is on a 10KHz step.
I haven't calculated out phase noise/lock time, and of course this will get fed to my frequency counter before it goes on the air. I'll need to see how close my crystals are to the target frequency too, I suspect I can't use 50ppm oscillators so I'll need to hunt for better ones if the frequency is far off what I need it to be.
It seems very feasible I think... and whatever comes out of my VFO design will be easily translatable to my next, future goal: a more fully home-designed HF transceiver without hurting our trade deficit.
(and yes that piece of wire is gone... a piece of coax and stiff piece of wire has taken its place, though for the 70cm radio...
