So, is this part of the same system?
PACMERS Mission Statement
Implement a non-tactical, trunked, land mobile radio (LMR) system in support of Commander, Pacific Command and other Department of Defense (DoD) and non-DoD federal agencies in the Pacific Command (PACOM) area of responsibility. The PACMERS supports interoperability between DoD, other federal, state and city agencies that use LMR systems in the Pacific Region.
The tragic events of September 11, 2001 emphasized effective emergency communications as a key element in reducing the loss of life in any disaster or threat to public safety. DoD emergency services and other federal, state and city agencies involved in public safety and Homeland Security need a coordinated response that utilizes communications resources in the most effective manner. In order to accomplish this they must have access to a system that gives them the ability to communicate quickly, clearly and seamlessly.
The Pacific Mobile Emergency Radio System (PACMERS) is the program directed by the United States Pacific Command (USPACOM) that establishes a Land Mobile Radio (LMR) system in Hawaii. PACMERS is a system borne out of a requirement to save lives. This system allows emergency medical service providers, fire and police to communicate using interoperable radios. During accidents and disasters emergency personnel in Hawaii will need enhanced interoperable communications in order to provide a rapid response.
The PACMERS wide-area trunking system is a fully integrated interoperable radio system that meets the National Telecommunications Information Agency (NTIA) mandate for narrow band operation for military/federal agencies. PACMERS also provides a Project 25 Standard for Voice and Data Interoperable Radio Communication solution for migrating federal, state and local government agencies which allows systems to interoperate, regardless of manufacturer.
The PACMERS LMR system has been in operation in Hawaii since October 10, 2002. There are currently 2629 radio users on the network, representing the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, National Guard and other government units. PACMERS began with four RF sites on Oahu and one on the Island of Hawaii. In early 2005 two new Oahu sites were added and more sites are planned for the future on the Big Island of Hawaii.
New Features Available
The PACMERS data network which provides users the ability to send and receive data as text or graphical messages, to improve the quality and content of information between remote users and their central offices, and to bring additional advantages to traditional voice-only communications. An optional software application allows access to the National Crime Information Center/National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NCIC/NLETS).
A wireless data system with Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and Global Positioning System (GPS) capabilities which enables the creation of graphical maps on dispatch terminals that electronically identify the location and direction of each emergency/police vehicle in real time. As a result, dispatchers who are in control of a fleet of vehicles can make split-second requests for incident assistance which will improve response times.
Over-the-Air-Rekeying (OTAR) which is the distribution of encryption keys from a centralized key management device over an RF channel. This will be used to encrypt all RF communication to Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU) Type 3 levels.
Type 1 portable-to-portable radio communication which is available through the existing wide area trunking system.
PACMERS was installed and is being maintained by CACI, a sophisticated systems integrator who has provided the government with the most efficient and technologically
advanced trunked radio solution. CACI is an information technology solutions provider and Land Mobile Radio (LMR) system integrator who has served the commercial and federal technology markets for more than 40 years. We have fielded a dedicated program team with members who posses over 50 years of combined experience in managing telecommunications systems as well as operational experience and communications support to contingency operations. CACI's business has grown to more than $1.62B in sales, largely with the federal government.
This publicly accessible website is dedicated to the management and administration of PACMERS and can be utilized by the interested public for background information on how DoD and its commercial partners are enhancing public safety and Homeland Security in the state of Hawaii through reliable radio technology.