Who will be the one to study this new stuff with Pro96com software. and report back with the logs(tower.txt) etc.
Guess that is me. ;-)))
I have been studying this new portion of the Fort Benning TRS since it first came on three weeks ago with Pro96com/Unitrunker. Since the system is still being installed and changes are likely I won't throw a lot of details out until things settle down after the testing phase.
Here are a few details that have remained constant during the last three weeks of testing.
These two new sites are a portion of the Fort Benning, GA 01E TRS. WACN 90b20.
Tower 909 has two cc freqs IDed 386.8500/396.8500c 388.1750/398.1750c
Based on monitoring this appears to be the Black Mtn transmission site. the PSR-500 is reporting a NAC of 027.
Tower Site 1010 has had three cc freqs 386.4000/396.4000c 388.0000/398.0000c 388.7000/398.7000c
These were seen for the first time yesterday afternoon when the first voice channels came online (lots of mike blowing and 1-2-3-test). Tower 1010 appears to be on Brawley Mountain and a NAC of 028 is being reported by the PSR-500.
The radio techs on Tower site 1010 are using TG 3001.
More to follow and a final report will appear on my Milcom Monitoring Post blog (address in sig block).
Larry Van Horn, N5FPW
Brasstown, NC USA
MT Assistant/Review Editor
Milcom/What's New Columnist
Milcom Monitoring Post at
Milcom Monitoring Post