536HP not showing NAC

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Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO

I have NAC Search enabled in several Favorites including those that are single channel P25 trunked as well as Conventional systems that have digital P25 channels.
I do not see the NAC displayed anywhere on the screen or even in ARC536 software.

I can scan the same systems with my old Home Patrol and it displays the NAC when set to NAC search just fine.

Am I missing something simple here or is this just not enabled yet like the Analyze mode?

Setting UID display on or off does not cause the NAC to display.


This is with the latest 1.03.03 firmware also.
Not sure of 10.2.03 showed the NAC or not.


Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
Where? no link,cant find it ,really want the answer.

There never was an answer yet. I'd asked a mod to move the thread to the Bug Reports forum as I did not notice that new sub-forum until seconds after posting my question in another of the new sub-forums. Mike ended up being the lucky guy that moved my thread for me.
I'd requested the move to the Bug Reports sub-forum as I do consider this a bug and maybe a bug in the scanner itself as well as within Sentinel or just a documentation bug. I feel it is a bug that may be fixed via firmware. I know I do not need to set my old Home Patrol to a conventional system for it to display NACs as it finds them.

Anyway, the documentation that came with my 536HP says it will show the NAC when systems are set to One Frequency Trunk type systems.
Mine does not show any NAC when set to that system type or a true P25 system type.
But... I did find this afternoon that if I place a known single frequency P25 channel and program it is Digital Audio but under a Conventional System then make sure and set NAC Search on, the 536HP does indeed show the NAC and the applications like Butel's ARC536 (still in beta) also log the NAC as a duplicate log entry.

So I don't know if this is normal behavior and the user manual was printed incorrectly or if this is really a Bug and the x36HP models should always show the NAC for both Single Frequency Trunk systems as well as Conventional systems when you set the frequency to Digital only for the Audio type.
Programming a system as conventional and then setting the audio to digital only is the only way I've found the 536HP to display the NAC. It seems to do OK for searching PL/DPL tones on conventional analog channels but has issues with displaying the NAC.

Not sure if this is the answer you wanted to hear but it does at least allow you to search and display the NAC!

I also tried using ARC536 latest build to convert one of my favorites that I was testing the NAC search feature with and the result was totally borked favorite. Somehow it converted the frequency to 1.000 MHz even though I'd entered the correct VHF frequency before allowing ARC536 to write the converted system type.
I ended up using Sentinel to correct the errors that ARC536PRO created.
Since, I've found it easier to just let ARC536 create a new favorite or create it myself from within Sentinel which seems to be the best bet.
ARC536 still has bugs which could be the result of an incomplete command set from Uniden or both.
I guess this is as good a reason as any for ARC536Pro still being in Beta status!

Once I figured all this out, it was easy to just avoid the one freq trunk system and only allow the 536HP to scan the new conventional system.
One thing I did like about doing it this way was that I could put in several known P25 frequencies into this new favorite and set them all to digital only and NAC Search and then I logged that with ARC536Pro which seemed to work OK as long as I put in decent text tags for each frequency being as they were all under the same conventional system or quick key.

I still get very confused with all the quick key and whatever that is available with these new scanners.
I've also found bugs in Sentinel that has duplicate entries for some of the different type quick keys. I change a key on one screen and then find that it has also been changed on another screen!
There are so many layers of different type quick keys that it seems to get confusing real fast.
I'd imagine things will get better over time as users report some of these oddities they find in the scanners themselves as well as the current version of Sentinel.
Some of it, I can't even explain what it was I did or was trying to do so that makes writing a bug report impossible.
I almost need a video recorder watching all my keystrokes on the radio or when using Sentinel when I encounter these odd things so I can go back and duplicate the steps I took! Then I could submit bug reports or double check my keystrokes in case of user error.
All the different quick key type settings are what is throwing me for a loop right not.
I once created a new system and assigned an empty quick key or favorite quick key and later found that one of my favorites now contained several systems! I still don't know how I did that one.

edit: one thing I did notice in the forum homepage is that any posts in any of the Uniden sub-forums do not show up on the home page under the "Active Forum Threads" section. I'm sure they did that by design otherwise that section of the home page would likely be filled with Uniden related posts. I'm not sure if that is good or not as it does make new posts go unnoticed but I'm sure those not interested in the Uniden line appreciate it!
We almost need a Uniden only "Active Uniden Forum Threads" section. Actually, I think Mike Oxlong did post a link one could use that showed all the recent Uniden only threads. I should have that bookmarked.
Ok, if you want to view all the recent or active Uniden sub-forum posts or threads, use this link: http://forums.radioreference.com/search.php?searchid=7315998
That should bring up a recent posts link of just the Uniden forums but I find that you must revisit or refresh the link pretty often with all the posts being updated in those forums.
It does come in handy though. I found that info in this thread: http://forums.radioreference.com/fo...den-forum-reordered-question.html#post2149093
It appears to be a forum limitation that comes into play when they create sub-forums.
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