7/7/08 low band DX logs (and audio) from California

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Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Finally a good DX opening when I'm at home :D Good reception into the Northern CA, Pacific NW and out into the Midwest. Equipment: Pro-2096 with Scantenna at ~20ft. Location is Menifee, CA which is ~80 miles SE of LA

33.440 127.3 - Possibly Contra Costa County (California) Fire Protection? Logged at same time when NorCal CHP's were booming in.
33.900 CSQ - Multiple Fire/EMS tone out and dispatches. Reference to a township. Probably eastern USA.
33.940 CSQ - Fire tone outs
37.120 74.4 - Data bursts
42.080 94.8 - Mississippi Highway Patrol? Very weak.
42.120 131.8 - CHP Oakland Office
42.120 179.9 - CHP North Sacramento. Dispatcher ID's as "Sacramento" and gave callsign WRG386
42.160 131.8 - CHP Marin
42.400 107.2 - CHP Yreka
42.440 107.2 - CHP Redding
42.460 179.9 - CHP South Sacramento. "112" unit identifiers. Input heard on 42.700 179.9 PL
42.460 CSQ - Discussion about storm warnings, gave central time zone. Signal was too weak to capture any PL/DPL tones.
42.500 131.8 - CHP San Jose
42.500 179.9 - CHP Chico. "104" unit identifiers and dispatcher ID's as "Chico"
42.520 146.2 - CHP Modesto. Input heard on 42.300 146.2 PL
42.540 167.9 - CHP Santa Cruz/Gilroy
42.540 179.9 - CHP Grass Valley
42.560 167.9 - CHP San Luis Obispo
42.580 186.2 - Probably Missouri Highway Patrol. Mentioned Kansas and dispatcher had southern accent.
42.600 131.8 - CHP Cordelia. Dispatching unit to WB 37 at Marin Rd for debris in roadway
42.620 131.8 - CHP Golden Gate Division
42.660 146.2 - CHP Merced
44.700 77.0 - Oklahoma Highway Patrol. Dispatch putting out BOL for stolen vehicle with Oklahoma tags
45.220 192.8 - Calaveras County (California) - Sheriff Dispatch
45.220 77.0 - Oklahoma Highway Patrol. Only hearing dispatcher talking to unit at mile marker 46.
45.420 192.8 - Tuolumne County (California) - Sheriff Dispatch. Input heard on 46.020 192.8 PL
45.640 151.4 - Talking about dropping somebody off. Business user? Very strong and sounded like simplex.
45.700 192.8 - Dispatcher ID's as "Calaveras". Input to 45.220?
46.200 131.8 - Possibly Downieville FPD from Sierra County, California? Not enough traffic to identify user well enough.
46.360 D131 - Boats engine sounds in background. When I heard this last year they gave locations such as: Cone Island, Cherry Point, Bellevue Channel
46.420 110.9 - Yamhill County (Oregon) - Fire Dispatch. Said there would be no drill tonight. Callsign KGP693
46.440 162.2 - Possibly San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District from Contra Costa County (Californai). Logged same time as NorCal CHP's.
65.750 CSQ - TV audio for PBS station (possibly KOAB-TV from Bend, Oregon). Ads for OPB and programs such as "This Old House" and "Oregon Art Beat"
65.750 CSQ - KLEW-TV CBS 3 from Lewiston, Idaho. TV commercial for "Taco Time" restaurant. Tail end of Inside Edition and beginning of Merv Griffin. Looked up their website and schedule matches what I heard.

Here are some audio clips I recorded:

If anyone knows who the user on 46.360 D131 is I would love to know. Last year it was very active during the weekends. It sounds like some kind of boaters that watch for whales. I believe it's coming out of the pacific Northwest or Canada areas since it's heard when that path is open.

Good DX to all!


Jul 8, 2007
Northeast Nebraska
Hello, Brandon

KOAB TV Bend, Oregon, I logged that out when I lived in Denver back in 1995 during the last solar cycle. I happen to be running my VCR on record and got "This Old House" on the tape. I sent a copy in and got a letter from the station engineer.

Would you believe the antenna was a cheap $5 set of rabbit ears?

The reception audio and picture was excellent, and held up for most of the day until KCRA Sacramento knocked it out. Yes I got a letter from them, too!

I need to find that videotape!

My current loggings for today (7/11) so far are:

29.620-KQ2H repeater, New York
33.900-Fire tone out on an accident
33.400-another fire tone out for chest pains

That is all for the moment, but it is early here in Omaha.

Mointoring on a RadioShack Pro 2046 with a 1/4 wave CB antenna attached to a 30ft mast.


Dec 26, 2005
Sounds like the band is open for you guys out west finally. Hopefully it will be open enough to get CHP over here on the east coast like I was able to do a few summers ago with my old Pro-79 and a discone.
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