8 Fire Departments To Get Federal Grants

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OKLAHOMA CITY -- Eight volunteer fire departments in Oklahoma will be getting a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, officials said.

The Locust Grove; Choteau; Shady Grove; Wister; Haworth; Braman; Wynnewood; and Shady Dale volunteer fire departments will be getting the grants. The grants range from nearly $20,000 to Braman to more than $152,000 to Wynnewood and will be used for operations and safety programs.

The money is to be used to improve the response to emergencies and to protect the health and safety of first responders and communities.


800 Mhz T.R.S maybe??

This could be used to get them on the 800Mhz T.R.S. right??


Jul 7, 2004
They could but as with most volunteer departments they have more important needs then going to 800 mhz.



Jul 7, 2004
Gear also much needed things like repair on trucks and various other equipment more than likely the last thing volunteer departments will be worried about is new 800 system.
Not saying they wouldn't like to have it just alot of times when they get money they need more important things



Nut Protector Extraordinaire
Nov 28, 2006
Pryor Creek, OK
PolarBear25 said:
Like what new trucks??

Like I could make a laundry list of things that a volunteer department would find more beneficial to them than 800 mhz radios. Not everyone thinks an 800 mhz system is the best thing since sliced bread.


Aug 4, 2003
Yeah, but we know you don't live in the real world, PB. There are conditions (terrain and such) that make VHF a better choice for rural departments that have to cover large areas - it propagates better over ridges and into holes. Add in that the radios are considerably cheaper, and you get an "if it ain't broke..." situation. I've seen rural departments around here that are driving trucks that are older than I am, and I'm twice as old as YOU are!

Then again, if well maintained (some are, some aren't) there's nothing wrong with 40 yo trucks. 40 year old PPE, though, is another matter. Do your clothes last more than a year or two? Now put your life on the line expecting your turnouts to keep you from getting burned, and I don't care about you, but I want nothing but the BEST. Then there's things like PASS devices and upgraded airpacks, lightweight hose and new nozzles - well, the list goes on.

In 1985 I spec'd a new truck - the fire district was a little surprised when the cab & chassis came in at $60k, the bodywork and paint (all custom) was $130k, and the "junk" (as they put it) was $160k more. The commissioners couldn't understand how "a few a axes and some hose" cost more than the truck did. We brought them to the station and then "stripped" a truck, and as we reloaded it we told them how much each piece would cost to replace with a modern version - and then told them if they didn't want to pay for the new truck they could just put new gear on the two older ones. When they added up the numbers, it would have cost them more, and since our argument was the new truck allowed for better coverage (it replaced a 20 yo truck in an existing 3rd station, but with much better capabilities) they gave in.


Nut Protector Extraordinaire
Nov 28, 2006
Pryor Creek, OK
KD5WLX said:
Yeah, but we know you don't live in the real world, PB......(other stuff taken out for bevity, but it was right on too)...

I'm glad that I'm not the only one that got that impression.

Obtaining 800mhz radios would only prohibit interoperability between those departments chosen to get grants and their neighboring mutal aid departments who DIDN'T get grants. Most volunteer departments are nowhere near big enough to even think about taking advantage of what an 800mhz system would have to offer. Actually for most volunteer departments, a conventional VHF system works great for their needs and has done so for many years already without trouble. As a matter of fact, there are MANY volunteer departments in this state that utilize the state fire net frequency ONLY, without repeaters, and things work great for them.

PolarBear, I don't think you have any experience in regards to how a volunteer fire department operates or how their grant money is obtained and all of the strings that are attached to said money either.
This is just a casual observation based upon your post history.

Can you tell us why YOU think those departments that were chosen to receive that grant money should go to an 800mhz system and how it would benefit them versus what they are using now?

I think the people here are needing more than just a "Well I do" for a reason.


KD5WLX said:
Yeah, but we know you don't live in the real world, PB. There are conditions (terrain and such) that make VHF a better choice for rural departments that have to cover large areas - it propagates better over ridges and into holes. Add in that the radios are considerably cheaper, and you get an "if it ain't broke..." situation. I've seen rural departments around here that are driving trucks that are older than I am, and I'm twice as old as YOU are!

Then again, if well maintained (some are, some aren't) there's nothing wrong with 40 yo trucks. 40 year old PPE, though, is another matter. Do your clothes last more than a year or two? Now put your life on the line expecting your turnouts to keep you from getting burned, and I don't care about you, but I want nothing but the BEST. Then there's things like PASS devices and upgraded airpacks, lightweight hose and new nozzles - well, the list goes on.

In 1985 I spec'd a new truck - the fire district was a little surprised when the cab & chassis came in at $60k, the bodywork and paint (all custom) was $130k, and the "junk" (as they put it) was $160k more. The commissioners couldn't understand how "a few a axes and some hose" cost more than the truck did. We brought them to the station and then "stripped" a truck, and as we reloaded it we told them how much each piece would cost to replace with a modern version - and then told them if they didn't want to pay for the new truck they could just put new gear on the two older ones. When they added up the numbers, it would have cost them more, and since our argument was the new truck allowed for better coverage (it replaced a 20 yo truck in an existing 3rd station, but with much better capabilities) they gave in.



Secret_Squirrel said:
I'm glad that I'm not the only one that got that impression.

Obtaining 800mhz radios would only prohibit interoperability between those departments chosen to get grants and their neighboring mutal aid departments who DIDN'T get grants. Most volunteer departments are nowhere near big enough to even think about taking advantage of what an 800mhz system would have to offer. Actually for most volunteer departments, a conventional VHF system works great for their needs and has done so for many years already without trouble. As a matter of fact, there are MANY volunteer departments in this state that utilize the state fire net frequency ONLY, without repeaters, and things work great for them.

PolarBear, I don't think you have any experience in regards to how a volunteer fire department operates or how their grant money is obtained and all of the strings that are attached to said money either.
This is just a casual observation based upon your post history.

Can you tell us why YOU think those departments that were chosen to receive that grant money should go to an 800mhz system and how it would benefit them versus what they are using now?

I think the people here are needing more than just a "Well I do" for a reason.

PolarBear, I don't think you have any experience in regards to how a volunteer fire department operates or how their grant money is obtained and all of the strings that are attached to said money either.
This is just a casual observation based upon your post history.

No you're right, All I know about V.F.Ds is it takes them 15 Minute to get to a fire and then they will put the fire out sooner or later.. sorry to Mr. Smith or B.C.F.D. 25, I know at night MCEMS is the first and sometimes only one 10-97 (10-23), And I know the M.C.F.D. is not like them at all..

Can you tell us why YOU think those departments that were chosen to receive that grant money should go to an 800mhz system and how it would benefit them versus what they are using now?

I think the people here are needing more than just a "Well I do" for a reason.

Two words

interoperability (state wide) and more space (TG. or Ch)


Dec 19, 2004
Tulsa, OK
d_stew said:
ditto. PB, it sounds like the last thing vollies in your area need are 800mhz radios. :wink:

Just from my stand point, yeah a trunked radio would be nice, but there's a TON of things my FD needs before that. You can talk on your new fancy radio till the cows com home, but what good is it if you can't effectively save human life and prevent property damage?
Last edited:


phil_smith said:
ditto. PB, it sounds like the last thing vollies in your area need are 800mhz radios. :wink:

Just from my stand point, yeah a trunked radio would be nice, but there's a TON of things my FD needs before that. You can talk on your new fancy radio till the cows com home, but what good is it if you can't effectively save human life and prevent property damage?

Ok but, The M.C.F.D. is get A unit that will be know as patch 1 to patch the units (V.F.D.s) out east to the new D.P.S. 800 Mhz T.R.S. is that fair to Midwest City??

I have other question dose anyboby know what a tower unit is and what it's job is?? I heard a 9/11/01 tape the other day, and there was a unit asking for a tower unit..

UnitXX: to Central start a tower unit to the north tower..

Was is that and what does it do??


May 30, 2005
ive done the rural volunteer fd scene and if a 150k grant came in an 800mhz radio system would be at the bottom (if even on) the list. that money would go straight to new apparatus, gear, equipment, training, etc. the vfd i was at had a couple 800mhz radios to talk to the big town over who mutual aided on occasion. but 99% of the departments and agencys we came in contact with were all on the vhf system.


Dec 19, 2004
Tulsa, OK
hey 32, what's the deal with Green Country? I got a memo at work that they were 10-7 and we are to forward EMS runs to EMSA or Central Med?


Medic32 said:
ive done the rural volunteer fd scene and if a 150k grant came in an 800mhz radio system would be at the bottom (if even on) the list. that money would go straight to new apparatus, gear, equipment, training, etc. the vfd i was at had a couple 800mhz radios to talk to the big town over who mutual aided on occasion. but 99% of the departments and agencys we came in contact with were all on the vhf system.

Ok, you're right..


May 30, 2005
phil_smith said:
hey 32, what's the deal with Green Country? I got a memo at work that they were 10-7 and we are to forward EMS runs to EMSA or Central Med?

Yes Sir, They are 10-7. To many chiefs not enough indians killed them
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