It’s interesting to note Avon PD started out being dispatched by Farmington PD back in the day (‘50s & ‘60s). As Avon grew, so did its police force and they started dispatching for themselves. That was back when dispatching radio calls was considered seperate from answering the phone. While anyone could use a phone a two-way radio was something else again. I do not know if there were regulations but there certainly was the perception there was in some city’s and towns. So, it was one person (usually a civilian) answering the phone and another (usually a police officer) operating the radio. My earliest rememberance of the FD dispatch operation was from the Farmington Firehouse where there was a live-in dispatcher using a low ban band simplex Hartford County frequency which was a big party line, especially when there was a band opening (skip in CB jargon) which would obliterate the county comms. Needless to say depts were bailing out left and right, obtaining their own assigned frequencies.
Under the heading of “Just spitballing here” because I know nothing about how these things are supposed to work. I wonder if what I write here sounds plausible. I know it’s too many years away and there will be unforeseen happenings that will determine what will really happen. One scenario, if I may be so bold is… for Farmington’s radio needs.(Farmington already dispatches for Burlington FD) to join Avon on CLMRN. But there are a lot of variables that will determine how things will finally turn out. The Avon Police Chief made mention that when the time came for Farmington to update their radio systems his guess was Farmington would probably join CLMRN and bring commonality to the dispatch process. That may coincide with Simsbury’s upgrade needs, which might include Canton’s needs. Could today’s Avon CLMRN expand into a Farmington River Valley association, at least as far as the comms system is concerned? The 911 dispatch points wouldn’t have to change as that would probably require a single dispatch operation which would incur additional expense in the form of a new building for the towns of Canton, Avon, Farmington, Simsbury and Burlington. What do you think?