Without knowing your location (city, or county, plus state), and which system you are trying to monitor, its pretty much impossible to give you a definite cause & resolution.
Are you scanning a Favorites list that you created, or using location, range, and the main database. If it's location/range, then you should not get this type of hang up on a frequency.
If this is a Favorites list that you are using, did you create it manually? Or by appending systems from the main database?
If it's a manually created list, it sounds like you have the trunk system & it's control channel(s) entered as conventional frequencies, not as part of a site of a trunked system. If programmed correctly as a trunked system, you would not hear continuous control channel noise.
By chance, could this actually be a DMR or NXDN system? The HP-2 cannot handle either of those modes, but, again, if programmed as trunked, you would not hear the buzz, but neither would you hear any voice conversations if DMR or NXDN were being used.
If this is a list you created, then I would suggest exporting it into an .hpe file, Once you've created that, you can roght-click on the file in Windows Explorer, and using the "Send-to" option on the pop-up memu, send it to a compressed folder. That folder can then be attached to a post, where someone can take a look to see what needs to be added or modified so that it will scan correctly.