I firmly believe there is a need for a COMMON non-emergency number. There have been times I've called 911 to report what isn't (at the time anyway) an emergency, but I didn't have the 'local' non-emergency number. It has the capability to become one if action isn't taken.
Example in case is going through an intersection where the lights are malfunctioning. No accidents, no injuries, but the potential is there. Police may need to respond for traffic control until the lights are fixed.
Is that a true life threatening emergency? No if EVERYONE follows the rules of the road when the approach and uncontrolled intersection. But we all know that no one knows the rules of the road.
As to witnessing an accident, I'd call rather than ASS-U-ME others are or have called. Now if I see an accident and people are out of their vehicles and talking on their cell phones, I don't call. HOPEFULLY they have already called the police (but maybe they are just continuing talking to who ever they were at the time of the accident, never even thinking of the calling the police).
Our local area does not have a 311 or 211 service. I wish they did.
It took a long time for people to get used to dialing 9-1-1 (I recall hearing an emergency responder tell me why it was changed from 911 to 9-1-1. Too many reports of people not dialing because the couldn't fine the ELEVEN key on the phone. Maybe some truth, but start of a good urban myth). Implementing a non-emergency number and the same one nationally would be very beneficial.
Then we'd have three numbers to keep in mind.
9-1-1 Emergencies
#77 The number our State Police want us to use on the interstates.
?-1-1 the common NON Emergency number.
Example in case is going through an intersection where the lights are malfunctioning. No accidents, no injuries, but the potential is there. Police may need to respond for traffic control until the lights are fixed.
Is that a true life threatening emergency? No if EVERYONE follows the rules of the road when the approach and uncontrolled intersection. But we all know that no one knows the rules of the road.
As to witnessing an accident, I'd call rather than ASS-U-ME others are or have called. Now if I see an accident and people are out of their vehicles and talking on their cell phones, I don't call. HOPEFULLY they have already called the police (but maybe they are just continuing talking to who ever they were at the time of the accident, never even thinking of the calling the police).
Our local area does not have a 311 or 211 service. I wish they did.
It took a long time for people to get used to dialing 9-1-1 (I recall hearing an emergency responder tell me why it was changed from 911 to 9-1-1. Too many reports of people not dialing because the couldn't fine the ELEVEN key on the phone. Maybe some truth, but start of a good urban myth). Implementing a non-emergency number and the same one nationally would be very beneficial.
Then we'd have three numbers to keep in mind.
9-1-1 Emergencies
#77 The number our State Police want us to use on the interstates.
?-1-1 the common NON Emergency number.