When you got into Amateur radio, what was the thing that surprised you the most?
I was surprised at the number of activities within the hobby. Even during the dark ages of ham radio there was CW, SSB, AM, FM, RTTY, MF, HF, VHF, UHF, DX, QRP, QRO, Field Day, Contests, ground wave, repeaters, homebrew, radio clubs, Elmers, etc.
Flash-forward four++ decades and we have PSK, JT65, FT8, FT4, MSK144, WSPR, LOTW, eQSL, DMR, Digital Voice, more bands, expanded privileges for new operators, digital logbooks, modeling software, satellite communications, software defined radios, copious software for the shack, etc. This list of activities is incomplete and hopefully will continue to expand in every direction. Yah, I am still surprised at what amateur radio offers.