Acars "Best" Freq. For Boston Area ?

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Dec 15, 2004
Boston, MA

After many years, am trying to receive some acars msg's via Wacars 0.7 program again.
Absolutely no luck, yet. Have tried several freq's.

I live about 20 miles west of Boston.

What would be the best, most likely, freq. to monitor to have a chance ?

Might as well also ask: With Wacars, anything "likely" that I don't have set up right ? Running XP.
Signal strength bar is usually red to yellow, with an occasional foray into the green.

The "Raw Log" shows garbage.



Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
A lot of scanners can't open the squelch fast enough, so decoders can't hear the sync tone that sent immediately before the data - so all you get is garbage, or nothing at all. Disable the squelch so you hear noise through the speakers.

As for which freq is busiest, try them all. Here (near BWI) almost all the freqs have some activity on them - if memory serves 131.55 is the standard, but other airlines sometimes set up shop on other freqs. 73 Mike


Whatever software you use, be sure to set your scanner volume as loud as you would to listen to voice, use the Line input to your soundcard, and leave the squelch open. Input volume on the soundcard should be around 30 to 40 percent of maximum.

I have had good results with PDW and acarsd.

To verify your decoding setup, I recommend sitting on 131.550 MHz. It is the U.S. primary channel and the busiest of all of them. If you receive nothing at all on this frequency after an hour or two, then your setup needs adjustment.


Dec 15, 2004
Boston, MA
From OP Re acars Freq's. (and, finally got to work !)

Hi all,

Just a quick thanks for help; appreciate it.

Have finally gotten Wacars and acarsd (at least the basic part of) working.

My major problem was that when I set the mode on my JRC NRD 545 to "AM" it didn't work.
Then saw an old suggestion to set it to "AMS", the stereo setting.

That was the solution.

Have no idea what internal settings in the radio actually changes.

Thanks again,


Sep 2, 2008
Thanks. I just picked up a winradio and have been pulling my hair out with why it wasn't picking up acars transmissions. Using AMS, it sounds significantly better, though I guess time will tell if it's working.

IF anyone has a winradio or can confirm my settings, I'd really appreciate it. I'm running 131.550, with AMS (not AM - thanks again). I've got my SAGC on, cause without it I barely register any volume. My AGC is on medium. My preamp is on, my Atten is off.

I too am using acarsd. It's picking up off my other radio setup, just not the winradio... grumble.. But maybe now that I've made the ams change it'll light up..

Any advice on the setup appreciated. And thanks again for putting the post in..


Dec 15, 2004
Boston, MA
From OP: Re Acarsd From Last Post On Thread


Just saw your reply to my Post.

Have been thinking about the Winradio items.

Which one do you have ?
I'm guessing the G305 as I believe that's the only one with the vhf/uhf capability.
Right ?

How do you like it; pros and cons ?

Are you using the Winradio antenna Combiner for the two antenna inputs ?
Really upsets me that they didn't provide two separate antenna inputs, or at least do the combining internally so a user doesn't have to worry about it.
My JRC NRD 545 has two separate inputs, as it should.

I've been thinking about the G315 for me, but I (think) that I really want the vhf/uhf capability.
Not sure at this point what I will do. Haven't heard any rumors about them coming out with any new models in the near future. Have you ?

Do you also have a JRC NRD 545 ?
I have one, with the vhf/uhf Converter, and really love it.
Comparison between them, if you do have one also ?

Let me know how you make out with the acarsd stuff.
It can sure be frustrating; at least it was for me.

BTW: could your "problem" be with the combining of the two antennas into a single input ?
Perhaps worth not using any type of Combiner, and just plug the vhf/uhf antenna into the input by itself ?
-what vhf/uhf antenna are you using ?

Best regards,
Bob (Mass.)
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