Access Violation at address 0074DA6B in module "WS1080,exe" Write of address 00000008
Received the Legacy update of my PRO-668 to WS-1080, and the instructions I received are to download the EZ Scan Programming software and install.
Upon trying to install it into my Windows 10 machine, I get the following error:
Access Violation at address 0074DA6B in module "WS1080,exe" Write of address 00000008
After hitting OK for that error dialog window, it then goes on to attempt to run it and another window pops up saying that its:
Uploading Scanlists
One moment please...
Yada yada Yada.
It stays at 0%
Has anyone else seen this occur and what was the fix?
I attempted a search on here and couldnt find anything on it.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks and 7 3
Received the Legacy update of my PRO-668 to WS-1080, and the instructions I received are to download the EZ Scan Programming software and install.
Upon trying to install it into my Windows 10 machine, I get the following error:
Access Violation at address 0074DA6B in module "WS1080,exe" Write of address 00000008
After hitting OK for that error dialog window, it then goes on to attempt to run it and another window pops up saying that its:
Uploading Scanlists
One moment please...
Yada yada Yada.
It stays at 0%
Has anyone else seen this occur and what was the fix?
I attempted a search on here and couldnt find anything on it.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks and 7 3