We can always implement policies that if you are using an ad blocker, then we block your access to the site.
That would be unfortunate, and I hate to rely on ad revenue, but it does pay some of the bills around here.
So the best thing would probably to be less smug about proclaiming you are some genius about your use of an ad blocker. At the least, it's a little disrespectful.
I never proclaimed being a genius, and I wasn't being smug. Simply was tired of the ads on other sites, especially news sites. Having your own DNS like pi-hole can also help protect you from hackers and malicious software.
I did not put Pi-Hole to stop the ads on this site specifically, just a side effect.
In general the ads here, do not bother me at all, they do not hinder site load time of the site. Which was my main beef with other sites.
I might ad if someone wants to try Pi-Hole you can always put this site and its ad redirection links in the white list.
A side note, in some cases Pi-Hole is not needed with some ISP's, they are already blocking the ads for you. Or many people can easily install plugins on there browser to do the blocking.
So I don't see what I said, should be worthy of the big dog getting on me. Getting around ads is nothing new.