Advanced Web Player


Premium Subscriber
Apr 8, 2017
It's hard to know where I should post this question. Short Version: Are there instructions for using the Advanced Web Player?

Longer Version:

When I use the Advanced Web Player is says to slide the red bar to adjust volume.

I just figured out that I have to click on the red bar and drag down to change what I see but I'm not sure what this is actually doing.

What is the signicance of the red bar expanding as shown in the screenshot?

What is the signifigance of the green bar becoming oval.

What is the signigance of the red bar in the first place in relation to the blue bar?

To me it seems like I get different visual results by sliding the zoom bar over before I start the feed, and a different look if I adjust it while listening; I'm not sure if that's true or if it's dependent on the particular archive file I am listening to..

I have seen threads that cover different areas on the same feed, I assume there is a different horizontal line for each of those?

I've had a subscription feed for a few years and have been meaning to post this for a long time.

Also, is there a way to truncate the audio via this player? Now that I typed that and played with the player in another window I'm wondering if the zoom function is the way to truncate the audio? In other words to lessen the dead air time between recorded audio?

I found Audacity and figured out how to do it on there; does anyone suggest a different audio editor that is truly free? Possibly for Android as well?

Also can anyone advise what fourum would be good to read to lear more about what traffic is now encryted by certain agencies such as Las Vegas Metro Police; I haven't tried in a while but I think I recall hearing that their broadcasts are encryted post Mandalay Bay; question being can a person with a physical scanner still listed to those channels somehow?

Thank you!



Premium Subscriber
Apr 8, 2017

Without reading message again I at least meant to say that I don't notice a volume difference when sliding the red bar but until I wrote that message and tried it again I didn't even know how to move it. I just randomly figured it out right then.

All the other questions are still a mystery to me. Just trying to figure out how best to use it. Once I see or read what things do I'm sure it'll seem intuitive.