They still make steel slinkys. They are usually sold as “original” slinky’s. They usually cost around $7. They also make anodized slinkys in various colors
They still make steel slinkys. They are usually sold as “original” slinky’s. They usually cost around $7. They also make anodized slinkys in various colors
Yup, you see them from time to time in various toy stores. They come in a red and yellow box and IIRC are made in the USA. Have bought a bunch over the years to give to the grandkids... kept one for myself, it's in my field bag for mini-DXpeditions to local parks.
For this year’s ARRL Field Day event I was looking to put up a homebrew antenna that was easy to construct‚ easy to deplay‚ and give me multi-band support. I settled on an 80 meter Off Center Fed Dipole antenna. Watch the video to see how I do it: The OCF or Off Center Fed […]
For rx use skinny little rg174 coax is entirely suited and very lightweight, but you can also use rg11 or similar if that is handier.
I'm sure the OP has found a solution to his query but that's not going to stop me from commenting. I used a C Crane Radio Solar inside a couple of semis for a while and picked up a lot of stations on AM, FM and WB. The body of the truck was fiberglass but there was plenty of RFI too. Plus the RFI from the trucks parked by mine. I was able to do this in a number of states too.
Currently I run an insulated wire from my van to a nearby tree. I use an alligator clip to the CCrane 2E antenna. This seems to work pretty well for my needs. At some point I will use my SDR and will likely need a longer wire for at that point..
I use a 50' spool of speaker wire as a loop for portable HF and below. I leave 5'-10' together at the receiver end, solder the opposite end together, and separate and spread (or hang) the loop. A bit of measuring, cutting, and soldering can get you a good FM loop dipole as well.