Air Force One is scheduled to arrive at the North Carolina Air National Guard – 145th Airlift Wing, Charlotte, NC, Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 6:20 PM EDT. He may be taking Marine 1 from Charlotte to Gastonia for his scheduled campaign event.
According to the public schedule, AF1 arrives at 6:20pm, departs at 6:30 and arrives 25 minutes later at Gastonia Airport. That sounds like a motorcade to me, especially with the wording (usually says arrives at landing zone if Marine 1). Look for traffic delays between 6:20 and 6:55 and again from 8:15 and 8:50pm tonight.
That is traffic related, and has been talked about in the news media for a few days now. Any sensitive information is being passed on encrypted channels.
Obviously, however posting talk groups in real time only gives those that want to add encryption a reason to do so. It has nothing to do with actually hearing any sensitive information.