I would try prcguy's suggestion of getting the antenna higher first.
However, if you are just needing to break the squelch, and still desire a wide beamwidth, then consider a "2 element" yagi for this situation.
I don't know of anyone who makes a commercial 2 element yagi, but here's a quick lowdown on amateur versions which one can get the idea and scale for airband:
A 2 Element Direct Feed Yagi for Multiple bands by WB2VUO
This probably should go into the build-your-own-antenna subforum, but thought I'd throw this out.
Direct feed, spacing not too critical, especially for scanner rx-only, and a fat cardiod pattern.
I've used them successfully to get beyond the "break the squelch" stage on certain systems, and also to put interference in a null just enough for the receiver to not desense on it. Easy to build, easy to point via the strong-arm method and so forth.
I've even "planted" a reflector behind existing fixed antenna setups when necessary to do this.
Not many people consider the 2-element yagi, because it doesn't have a LOT of gain, but in some circumstances, perhaps yours, it might be perfect.