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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Alias IDs

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Active Member
Jul 25, 2003
I noticed after the first day of messing with aliases putting PD unit numbers on radio IDs would not be the way to go as they were changing after a shift change, I will probably just put a generic tag of some sort .

In my somewhat local big city, the PD does not have radios installed in the cars. All officers use portables only. So, I would expect radio IDs to be forever changing. Maybe you have the same situation :unsure:

Currently, I am logging radio IDs for my local suburban FDs (my only real monitoring interest. Former member.) I really like having the truck ID (Engine 2, Ladder 10, Chief 3, Dispatch, etc) coming up on the screen vs. the radio ID number. I really like this new capability. Thanks Unication.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 5, 2005
Albany County, NY
Let me be the first to say that having the ability to program radio ID aliases is not a good feature for someone as anal as me. As soon as I think I have all ID's assigned to aliases in a given system, along comes another ID I didn't capture. So then let me also be the first to ask: Is there's a way to disable the display of the radio ID's in any form? :eek:


Sep 26, 2008
Let me be the first to say that having the ability to program radio ID aliases is not a good feature for someone as anal as me. As soon as I think I have all ID's assigned to aliases in a given system, along comes another ID I didn't capture. So then let me also be the first to ask: Is there's a way to disable the display of the radio ID's in any form? :eek:

Doubt it. If the inconsistency bothers you, just delete all of your aliases, and you'll consistently get numbers :)


Feb 28, 2014
Record the system(s) you're interested in capturing the ID's for. Import the messages into the Message Backup software. The radio ID along with the TG alias and audio are captured and displayed for review.

View attachment 89917
I can't do a backup. Its asking for a password. When I do an import it shows all zeros. How do I go about getting a password?


Premium Subscriber
Apr 5, 2005
Albany County, NY
I can't do a backup. Its asking for a password. When I do an import it shows all zeros. How do I go about getting a password?
I got no prompt for a password from the Message Backup software. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the software. That said, the current version of the software may not be totally compatible with the new firmware. When I backed up messages received after I upgraded the firmware to 1.3, the radio ID column had no entries except for where I already had programmed aliases.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 5, 2005
Albany County, NY
I can't do a backup. Its asking for a password.
I duplicated this password prompt when clicking on the Backup button within the "Backup" tab. I had PPS open at the time. I closed both and opened Message Backup by itself and did not get the prompt.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 5, 2013
So I'm a little confused here, how do I get a group name to show up? I have entered several IDs and all I get is numbers, example...TO [3445] FROM [9022533] Instead of the number 3445 how would I get it to read [Folsom PD]? Is that possible or is that what we're talking about here, inputting all radio IDs for this to happen?


Premium Subscriber
Nov 5, 2013
In one zone I have 65535 (S) to scan all the groups, it works but is that the correct way?
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 6, 2010
Saint Joseph, MI
So I'm a little confused here, how do I get a group name to show up? I have entered several IDs and all I get is numbers, example...TO [3445] FROM [9022533] Instead of the number 3445 how would I get it to read [Folsom PD]? Is that possible or is that what we're talking about here, inputting all radio IDs for this to happen?

TG alias is set in D5. First Column is Group Alias, put in Folsom PD, in P25T TGID put in 3445. I like to set the background of Police TGs to Blue, saves me from adding Police or PD to the name.

Then this needs to be added to in D6 to one of the knob position. Scroll down and you should see it in the Knob - Talk Group List, under available. Added it to either the Priority or Non-Priority list, your choice.

Going back to D5, select the Member List Setting. In the Call Alias column add Sgt. Smith or however you want to ID that unit, in the P25T column add 9022533.

Regarding the second post. Trunking TG Scan setting in the knob position scans only the entered talk groups, Trunking TG Monitor scans all TGs. You can added named TGs to this knob position as I described above in Talk Group List. No need for 65535 when you have it set to TG Monitor.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 5, 2013
Okay, what I did was put only 65535 in the talk group column so it scans all the groups instead of being limited to the 64 you're allowed. Is there a different way of doing it because it says you must include at least one talk group in the column but I don't want to be limited to 64. I guess what I'm just trying to do is scan the whole site and have names come up instead of just numbers. Doesn't having 65535 scan the whole site? When I entered the Member list names they don't come up, still just numbers on the screen. I have about 450 names to enter and did a sample of 10 just to see if it would work.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 6, 2010
Saint Joseph, MI
Okay, what I did was put only 65535 in the talk group column so it scans all the groups instead of being limited to the 64 you're allowed. Is there a different way of doing it because it says you must include at least one talk group in the column but I don't want to be limited to 64. I guess what I'm just trying to do is scan the whole site and have names come up instead of just numbers. Doesn't having 65535 scan the whole site?
Don't use 65535, it's not needed for TG Monitor. They are the same thing. You are only limited to 63 named TGs, it will report on all active TGs in the TRS, but upto 63 TG aliases will be displayed. If you put in 64 named TGs you will get on error on the pager.

Forget about 65535, it's no longer necessary.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 5, 2013
Okay thanks, so it will still do the same thing but only 63 will show a name out of the 250 it's receiving?
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