Please provide your opinion about the target parameters of the AM receiver:
- The Icom R3 has the following RF parameters for AM reception:
> 1 kHz/30% MOD.; 10 dB S/N
> 0.495-4.995 MHz 1.4 µV
> 5.0-29.995 MHz 1.0 µV
> 118-136.000 MHz 0.79 µV
> 222-329.995 MHz 1.0 µV.
> Selectivity :
> More than 12 kHz/-6 dB
> Less than 30 kHz/-50 dB
-The Maycom AR108 Air-band scanner has:
> Sensitivity: 1.0uV in AM 10dB S/N
> Selectivity: 50dB min
> -The Icom R20 has :
> Sensitivity on AM(10dB S/N)
> 0.495 - 4.999MHz 2.2µV -AM broadcast
> 5.000 - 29.999MHz 1.4µV
> 118.000 - 135.999MHz 1.4µV - this is the Air band
> Selectivity : More than 1.8kHz/-6dB
> More than 12kHz/-6dB, Less than 30kHz/-60dB
> More than 150kHz/-6dB
> To understand better what level of RF parameters should be targeted
> for a really good AM reception please comment those possible
numbers below:
> 1.Sensitivity: 0.8uV in AM 10dB S/N for 5kH voice;
> and 0.25uV for 2KHz voice
> 2. Selectivity: 80dB at 9kHz; 100dB ≥30kHz
> 3. Spurs selectivity 80dB (3rd order intermod 100-200 kHz off)
Would you pay additional $100 (or any other price - please suggest it) if your receiver gets better AM reception?
> Thank you.
- The Icom R3 has the following RF parameters for AM reception:
> 1 kHz/30% MOD.; 10 dB S/N
> 0.495-4.995 MHz 1.4 µV
> 5.0-29.995 MHz 1.0 µV
> 118-136.000 MHz 0.79 µV
> 222-329.995 MHz 1.0 µV.
> Selectivity :
> More than 12 kHz/-6 dB
> Less than 30 kHz/-50 dB
-The Maycom AR108 Air-band scanner has:
> Sensitivity: 1.0uV in AM 10dB S/N
> Selectivity: 50dB min
> -The Icom R20 has :
> Sensitivity on AM(10dB S/N)
> 0.495 - 4.999MHz 2.2µV -AM broadcast
> 5.000 - 29.999MHz 1.4µV
> 118.000 - 135.999MHz 1.4µV - this is the Air band
> Selectivity : More than 1.8kHz/-6dB
> More than 12kHz/-6dB, Less than 30kHz/-60dB
> More than 150kHz/-6dB
> To understand better what level of RF parameters should be targeted
> for a really good AM reception please comment those possible
numbers below:
> 1.Sensitivity: 0.8uV in AM 10dB S/N for 5kH voice;
> and 0.25uV for 2KHz voice
> 2. Selectivity: 80dB at 9kHz; 100dB ≥30kHz
> 3. Spurs selectivity 80dB (3rd order intermod 100-200 kHz off)
Would you pay additional $100 (or any other price - please suggest it) if your receiver gets better AM reception?
> Thank you.