Wiki Admin Emeritus
If you try to use a passive loop (such as the newly-released YouLoop) and find that you need a signal boost, there are a few options, tho it will take some work, particularly in how to connect the amp to the loop and get power to it....
I have also seen at least one person using a loop on the ground (LoG) with the amp from the el cheapo MLA30.
Are there other options? Let's see them.....Mike

DIY Kit of Active Amplifier for Magnetic HF Antenna 3MHz-30MHz Hula Loop Shortwave Radio
Magnetic loop antenna has great performance for receiving weak AM/SSB radio signals in urban area where an regular beverage antenna is usually overloaded by industrial HF noise of modern city. Electrical circuit of this active antenna amplifier board is based on high impedance differential...
W6LVP Magnetic Loop Antenna Experimenter’s Kit | W6LVP

Medium Aperture Loop Antenna ALA100LN N. Am.
Wellbrook Medium Aperture Active Loop Antenna Model ALA100LN.

I have also seen at least one person using a loop on the ground (LoG) with the amp from the el cheapo MLA30.
Are there other options? Let's see them.....Mike