Sorry to bother everyone here with another posted question. If anyone can help me. I am curious I used freescan to program my BCD396T scanner. I input Middlesex and Essex counties into the scanner from the RR database via freescan. When it input them I put each county into its own system. Within each county is a mix of regular convential freqs for non APCO 25 depts and some APCO 25 depts like Lowell and Lexington in Middlesex and Methuen in Essex counites. I recieve the non APCO 25 transmissions fine but do not recieve the APCO 25 ones. once in a while I will get a buzz sound or if I am lucky 2-5 words before it cuts out. My question is can both APCO 25 and non APCO 25 dpets be in the same system like they are imported from RR? If so any ideas what I need to do to fix the issue. I live the next town over from Methuen so I know its not a distance issue or so I believe. I am new to this APCO 25 digital scanner stuff. Thank you in advance for any help. It is greatly appreciated.
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