Hello All in Alaska: Question for you all if I may:
Does the Alaska weather ICE up the antennas and such that will down grade the antennas performance?
I have seen ICED up antennas even here in the Mojave Desert in Southern California, in the mountains.
I have made antenna heaters to keep ice of the antennas, using a 3 or 4 Ohm, 50 watt Dale Resistor that mounts to the antenna or mast, feed with a 12 volt power supply, keeps a the ice from forming on the antenna. May have to visit Alaska and look around, retirement is near.
Thanks for any input here
Jay in the Mojave
Does the Alaska weather ICE up the antennas and such that will down grade the antennas performance?
I have seen ICED up antennas even here in the Mojave Desert in Southern California, in the mountains.
I have made antenna heaters to keep ice of the antennas, using a 3 or 4 Ohm, 50 watt Dale Resistor that mounts to the antenna or mast, feed with a 12 volt power supply, keeps a the ice from forming on the antenna. May have to visit Alaska and look around, retirement is near.
Thanks for any input here
Jay in the Mojave