There are two ways to go when you want to listen to more than one band - a) Buy a discone antenna and some coax, then hide it in the attic. You get some elevation, it is concealed from prying HOA eyes, and it is wide spectrum. b) Buy a Larsen tri-band mobile antenna with a magnetic mount that covers VHF-Hi, UHF R1 and R2, and 700/800 MHz. Visit the local second hand store and buy a large cookie sheet - then stick the antenna mount in the center of the sheet. Place it entire assembly on top of a bookcase, a refrigerator, etc. as high as you can place it and the attic works too.
Both are relatively inexpensive and option B is quick and simple. If you need to move it, it takes only seconds to hide it from the landlord, visitors, etc. It is also cheap!