Any water ingress to connectors can start corosion and have this effect. Looks good doesn't always count.
Really, the only suitable shrink tube for outdoors is the marine variety with like a sealant inside.
Also acceptable is the coax connector wrap made for this.
Two antennas with the same problem sort of rules out the antenna, SO, connectors, damaged coax need to be checked for your entire antenna system, including jumpers, multicouplers, From antenna to the radio.
What really helps here is an antenna anayzer or somthing like a Nano VNA to check the system, otherwise, trial and error.
What I do, is starting at the antenna connector, get some Dow Corning #4 compound, Pack the connectors including a smudge on N connector gaskets. Wrap the entire connector + a couple inches of coax with electrical tape. Follow that with a quality coax weather wrap.
I found in liew of the weather wrap, Flex-Seal, so far has worked just fine. Theoretically, your connections should not deteriorate at all over 40 years, Check your coax for abbrasions and cracks where water may get into the coax meaning a splice.