Antenna Tune question


Premium Subscriber
Aug 8, 2009
I just Purchased the Larsen 150/450/750 antenna (150-174, 450-520, 750-870). During my drive today I noticed that my SDS100 received transmissions on 33.88 perfectly clear while I noticed a lot less traffic in the 750-870 range on a system that is usually quite active. I also saw that Larsen had a similar antenna, albeit cheaper, that received slightly different ranges (150-165, 450-470, 806-940). Both antennas have the same whip length of 16.5 inches. So what is the difference between the two that has them receive different ranges? Why is it that even though it is not tuned to low band, I pick that up very clear?


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
NMO's installed, while-u-wait.
I just Purchased the Larsen 150/450/750 antenna (150-174, 450-520, 750-870). During my drive today I noticed that my SDS100 received transmissions on 33.88 perfectly clear while I noticed a lot less traffic in the 750-870 range on a system that is usually quite active. I also saw that Larsen had a similar antenna, albeit cheaper, that received slightly different ranges (150-165, 450-470, 806-940). Both antennas have the same whip length of 16.5 inches. So what is the difference between the two that has them receive different ranges? Why is it that even though it is not tuned to low band, I pick that up very clear?

I think the difference is in the coil. I have both, never noticed much difference in them. I've used both on 800MHz and both seem to perform similarily.

Low band reception is a matter of how close you are to the transmitter. The antenna is far too short to be a good performer on 33MHz, but it sounds like you were nearby and hearing it well.