Come on, radio world, ... help me out here. No thoughts on the idea from anyone ?
It's really more of a curiosity than a need; we're phase 2 here, & I'm doing the whole psr 800 thing, & use a efj 5100 for vhf p25/1 (feds), & waiting for that whistler 900/950 to hit the street, but am still interested in getting one of my aor rigs set up for single channel p25, and the aor ar one seems like it might be the best way to go (-it was in the bottom of a box in a lot I'd bought at a govt auction, covered up by some other things I was interested in ... pretty good, and very unexpected find; & not too shabby, for the $30 or so I paid for the 'other' stuff-& it works just fine, too!)
So, let's hear your thoughts, - someone's got to be able to throw in a (positive, hopefully) suggestion.