Its a reahabalitation center in Warren City Ohio. my uncle is their and i wanted to see if anyone had or knew of any frequencies for it. :?:
Cobra_Commander said:that is so mean.
If people are going to ignore the forum topics, why have multiple forums at all? Why not one humongous forum where everybody posts everything on any topic?
AZScanner said:Y'know folks, it's exactly this type of of "chaos" that makes the internet great. It's a free for all of anarchy. Those who choose to waste their time being netcops can't seem to figure that out, yet it's that same anarchy they hate that allows them the opportunity to be net-nannies to anyone they choose. Funny no?
Well I certainly wasn't trying to be a net cop, I just thought it made more sense to post the question to the forum for his specific location. Among other things, there may be more readers who could/would assist since they have more "local knowledge." I also don't think chaos makes the Internet great, rather I feel it's one of its greatest weaknesses at the moment. And no, I'm not looking for an "opportunity" to be a net nanny, it was really just a suggestion to the original poster.
I guess this belongs in the tavern now, but enough said.