Did some MW dxing a couple weekends back. I'm on the very easy coast of Canada, in the North Atlantic Ocean lol
Conditions were great (this was a few days before the big solar flares, fwiw) and I was getting the regulars, such as WFAN660, WCBS880 out of New York in Great quality, as good as local AM. No exaggerations. No weakness, no jitter or breakup in the least. Even got bass definition on the low end, really impressive stuff. Enough to wow the non-nerds around me at the lake.
I grabbed a couple stations out of Quebec: CKAC 730, 690 TSN, both from Montreal. They were new to me. I've heard 690 before but it's usually quite weak and inconsistent and I've never quite been certain it was what I was hearing. This night it was solid as local am.
Surprising as completely due west DXing for me tends to skew down the coast instead of into the mainland. I've only hit a couple stations out of Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec before and again, usually very weak.
With that in mind, I hit 700 WLW out of Cincinnati Ohio, and 760 WJR from Michigan. Both are 50,000 watt clear channel stations, but they're a half-a-continent away from me. My furthest ever pulls coming from the West. And in superb quality no less. Not as good as WFAN NYC was coming in, but still more than listenable.
My deepest hit was 790 WPRV from Rhode Island, a 5,000 non-clear channel station. Which beats out a 5,000watt station in Maine as my furthest non-50,000/clear channel DX yet. WPRV was very staticy but solid enough to get the callsign at the top of the hour.
All of this on a Tecsun PL660 with a loop antenna sat "behind" it.
All in all, a fun 30 minute MW DXing session.