The $64,000 question: are you using a rooftop antenna or a telescopic whip off the back?
I have an AR5000 with an external ARD25. Even with the squelch set on it's lowest setting (the ADS command via the RS232 port on the back of the ARD25), the signal has to be fairly strong before it will start decoding. I'd estimate that it will not work with anything weaker than -90 dBm, the point where the signal to noise ratio is about 50/50, though I have not verified this with professional test equipment.
My BC796D does demodulate weaker P-25 signals that the ARD25 will not, however the AR5000/ARD25 combo is still my first choice for conventional P-25, for one very important reason: when my 796 is connected to a rooftop antenna and I try to scan 162-174 or 406-420 MHz, I get so many false squelch openings, even at max squelch, that it is effectively worthless.
Another thing you should try is to change the polarity on your AOR decoder board (APN-ON APN-OFF).
As for the claim that AOR products will not decode P-25 oin a trunked system, my AOR setup does demodulate P-25 on the nearby UHF trunked system at Hill AFB.