AOR AR-DV1 and Shortwave ?

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May 2, 2005
New York City
Is there any chance this radio might come in a handheld? Seems like a great receiver but a little pricey! I've been waiting for a good receiver to come out that would pick up the various digital voice formats. Thanks!

If Uniden can take the 536 and make it into a 436, AOR could probably do the same thing with the DV-1, but it really all boils down to supply and demand. I'm not certain that AOR has enough demand yet for the DV-1. It's an extremely specialized radio which strikes me more as a test-bench piece of equipment insofar as it does not do trunking, thus far there are no provisions for P25 Phase 2, and there seem to be other issues that some folks have mentioned.

If these things were flying off the shelves to ordinary consumers at 1,000+ pieces per month, I believe that AOR might start looking at something along the lines of a portable version. I imagine they are also selling the DV-1 to government agencies, but i believe that it would really be consumer demand that would drive the development of a portable version. I'm just not feeling it in my gut right now.

And in fact, handheld versions of a similar radio would not necessarily be cheaper than the "desktop" version. It would likely be as, if not more, expensive.


May 2, 2005
New York City
There continues to be very little discussion here about the DV1 on shortwave bands, 1.6 mhz to 30 mhz. My experience was not only limited by the time factor of having had the radio for only several weeks, but also by limitations I had during that time with various types of antennas that I had available to me.

Steve Sherman provided some excellent input regarding his own experience--- based on his recommendations I had ordered an MFJ passive preselector which was getting ready to ship when the proverbial "roof fell in" and I found that I had to return the receiver. Fortunately, I was able to cancel the preselector order before it shipped, but now that we seem to have a few more DV1's in circulation, I'm wondering if anyone besides Steve can give any relative input on the DV1's capabilities on the shortwave bands with a proper antenna. I'm particularly interested in amateur radio and utility traffic, especially that which utilizes USB or LSB.

And of course, I'm also very interested in hearing from folks with experience using the DV1 receiver with the MFJ-1046 preselector.
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