I am new to this scanner and am wondering if anyone knows of any better books on operating it than the manual. Also, is it true there is no way to scan the 10 quick memories except manually, one by one?
I am new to this scanner and am wondering if anyone knows of any better books on operating it than the manual. Also, is it true there is no way to scan the 10 quick memories except manually, one by one?
You can select which bank or banks you want to llisten to by enabling bank linking. Hold the function button and press scan. You will see the words SCAN-GROUP followed by a number. Using the thumbwheel, select which bank you want to set up. If you want to scan bank A and B, use the pass button to select or deselect which bank you want. You can then customize scan delay and other signal settings. I realize the AOR's have a high learning curve, but after doing battle with my Icom R20 it is really a piece of cake. The manual can be tedious, I suggest getting a highlighter and some flags and approach it as if you are studying a textbook....in a way you are. I love AOR's products and initially found them difficult, but over time it became easy. You might want to consider buying the programming software from BuTel, very easy to use. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to ask. My e mail is N3kex@hotmail.com, drop me a line.