1611B - Update
I mentioned in the eSPYonARD thread I intended to leave the background 'fixes' I had introduced for 1610B in place for the time being, for people who had updated to 1611B.
Pleased I did.
I have no doubt AOR introduced some fixes, but yesterday when changing VFO's, once again the AR-DV1 jumped to an FM bandwidth of 1000, when it should have been 12.5.
That is something that was happening in 1610B. AOR indicated that had fixed that issue. Well it 'seems to happen less frequently, perhaps, but it is still there.
Have to mention this again, the big annoyance is that so many of these newly introduced quirks remain intermittent, and try as I may I cannot find anything that triggers them specifically. My 'fix' corrects that matter for the time being, and associated issues re the mode and step, in 1611B too.
As far as CTCSS and DCS are concerned. In a search, my 'fix' does force the radio to keep them switched on, but in a search intermittently they do not gate correctly. They always appear to be OK in VFO mode.
As others have remarked, the whole way CTSS and DCC operate is now 'dodgy', since 1610B, and continuing in 1611B.
With some things, that might not be very serious, but for CTSS and DCS it certainly is, if people cannot be sure the squelch will open correctly during a search, when they are selected.
I am very glad I am not at AOR and having to find out what is going wrong. A series of 'strange', intermittent faults to find and fix ... talk about a nightmare.