AOR DV1 v. 1611B Issue

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Jul 7, 2016
South West of France
Just to clarify my mind:
Are you talking about AUTO for Digital modes or are you mixing AUTO from Digital mode and AUTO from CTCSS and DCS?


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2016
Devon, UK
1611B - Update

I mentioned in the eSPYonARD thread I intended to leave the background 'fixes' I had introduced for 1610B in place for the time being, for people who had updated to 1611B.

Pleased I did.

I have no doubt AOR introduced some fixes, but yesterday when changing VFO's, once again the AR-DV1 jumped to an FM bandwidth of 1000, when it should have been 12.5.

That is something that was happening in 1610B. AOR indicated that had fixed that issue. Well it 'seems to happen less frequently, perhaps, but it is still there.

Have to mention this again, the big annoyance is that so many of these newly introduced quirks remain intermittent, and try as I may I cannot find anything that triggers them specifically. My 'fix' corrects that matter for the time being, and associated issues re the mode and step, in 1611B too.

As far as CTCSS and DCS are concerned. In a search, my 'fix' does force the radio to keep them switched on, but in a search intermittently they do not gate correctly. They always appear to be OK in VFO mode.

As others have remarked, the whole way CTSS and DCC operate is now 'dodgy', since 1610B, and continuing in 1611B.

With some things, that might not be very serious, but for CTSS and DCS it certainly is, if people cannot be sure the squelch will open correctly during a search, when they are selected.

I am very glad I am not at AOR and having to find out what is going wrong. A series of 'strange', intermittent faults to find and fix ... talk about a nightmare.


May 2, 2005
New York City
Emailed Taka

Sent an email to Taka today outlining some of the points made in the thread--- he has also been following the thread and is aware of the issues and is passing that information along to the engineers in Japan.

Jeff's remarks are especially telling--- with the CTC and DCS functions of the radio being "dodgy", and I agree completely with Jeff that if folks can't count on the critical part of the radio working properly (not just when "Searching" for tones, but also when monitoring channels with tones already programmed in), "confidence" in the operation of the radio drops dramatically.

I'm hoping not only for this issue to be remedied promptly, but more importantly, also properly.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 4, 2013
Santa Cruz, California
From early Firmware, when scanning Digital modes, I have to group all the types of modes together and I have to DUPLICATE the first frequency otherwise the scan will SKIP over the first channel of each type of digital mode!! I have not seen this addressed in any update notes.
Has anyone else mentioned this?
It may be similar to the "dodgy" operation mentioned.
I highly suggest they focus on the DIGITAL Mode operation, that is what makes this radio unique, and why I paid $1200.00 dollars for after it being touted so highly as the only multi-mode SCANNER! Yes it has a SCAN button right there on the front and in all the advertisements.
Maybe a team could provide Firmware DIFFERENT for those of us that want Digital ONLY.


May 2, 2005
New York City
From early Firmware, when scanning Digital modes, I have to group all the types of modes together and I have to DUPLICATE the first frequency otherwise the scan will SKIP over the first channel of each type of digital mode!! I have not seen this addressed in any update notes.
Has anyone else mentioned this?
It may be similar to the "dodgy" operation mentioned.
I highly suggest they focus on the DIGITAL Mode operation, that is what makes this radio unique, and why I paid $1200.00 dollars for after it being touted so highly as the only multi-mode SCANNER! Yes it has a SCAN button right there on the front and in all the advertisements.
Maybe a team could provide Firmware DIFFERENT for those of us that want Digital ONLY.

I seem to recall some mention of an issue along these lines about a year ago, when I first purchased my unit. I don't recall having experienced the problem myself, but I never really set up my unit to "scientifically" establish if this is happening on my unit. Have you ever written to AOR about this problem?

Incidentally, perhaps along similar lines, they mentioned in the notes for firmware v.1609D (which introduced Tetra), that "In SCAN mode, do not mix TETRA and non-TETRA modes. All frequencies in your SCAN bank should be preset as TETRA (T-DM)."

Here we are, over a year into the introduction of the radio, and it unfortunately still has "teething" problems. I'm not defending AOR, but I knew going in that this was a very "experimental" radio.


May 2, 2005
New York City
Another 1611B Anomaly ???

Just noticed that under 1611B, the tone indication does not sound for the DV1's lock button, whereas in 1610B, it does. Can someone please confirm this ? Thanks.
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