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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Asian Radios

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Premium Subscriber
May 24, 2012
Does any one know if any of the 'Cheepy" asian radios will do 2 tone decode? If so what is your opinion on said radio i need a new vhf ht for work and im also wanting to use it for fire tone out and i cant throw down the money on a moto or a kw right now.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 8, 2009
Does any one know if any of the 'Cheepy" asian radios will do 2 tone decode? If so what is your opinion on said radio i need a new vhf ht for work and im also wanting to use it for fire tone out and i cant throw down the money on a moto or a kw right now.

Wouxun KGU-VD-1P Hand Held does.


Mar 30, 2010
Wouxun KGU-VD-1P Hand Held does.

It doesnt that im aware of... I know that some of the single band models of the Wouxuns do, but none of thier dual banders do that I am aware of

I do know that TYT makes a radio that does, as does HYT.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 8, 2009
I Just Answered The Question!

It doesnt that im aware of... I know that some of the single band models of the Wouxuns do, but none of thier dual banders do that I am aware of

I do know that TYT makes a radio that does, as does HYT.

Wouxun KGU-VD-1P Hand Held does.
It is a Dual Band and I use Digital Encode for Encode and Decode Fire and Rescue 145....
And Marine Band 162..... Please look up the Radio Model Number befor saying what it will do or not do.


Mar 30, 2010
Wouxun KGU-VD-1P Hand Held does.
It is a Dual Band and I use Digital Encode for Encode and Decode Fire and Rescue 145....
And Marine Band 162..... Please look up the Radio Model Number befor saying what it will do or not do.

I have one too and use those, but i believe what the OP was asking for was for 2 tone decode as im signalling, like Quick Call 2 tones or similar, based on the fact that he mentioned that he uses it on Fire frequencies. I do not think what what he was refering to was PL tones or DCS codes, but was refering to using it like a pager so that it stays muted untill it recieves the correct tones then it unmutes it for the message.

Also that last bit was uncalled for as i have looked it up and considering that I own one and mantain 5+ of this model radio i am pretty well aware of what it can and cannot do, although i am not up to date on the absolute latest revision as after the UV-6D came out i kind of stopped paying attention to every update/revision of this radio that they release
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Premium Subscriber
Apr 11, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
NO the UVD series will NOT encode or decode two-tone, 5 tone, mdc1200 ANI/selcall. As far as I can tell, the only FCC approved (for USA use) radio that will do this is the Puxing PX-777 VHF (the UHF model is not FCC approved in the USA). The new (and FCC approved) Puxing PX-888K will encode/decode 5tone, but not 2tone.


Aug 30, 2003
TYT-TH-F8 Offers Two Tone Encode / Decode

Not all but some TYT's TH-F8 offer two tone decode but my experience has been that it's intermittent.
The TH-F8 resembles Baofeng's UV-5 transceiver, only single-band.
Encode works well.

Decode is at best flaky. Using a service monitor I was able to page it successfully and grew frustrated determining why it repeatedly failed to alert when my local FD transmitted the same tone sequence.

I played with it for an hour and determined the problem was within the timing of the A and B tones.
Tones have to be sent in a 1 second / 3 second duration, the decoder fails to page.

However my TYT-TH9000 VHF mobile performs flawlessly.


It doesnt that im aware of... I know that some of the single band models of the Wouxuns do, but none of thier dual banders do that I am aware of

I do know that TYT makes a radio that does, as does HYT.
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