The 8TAC91-94 repeaters are in the LACo infrastructure, not temporary.So are these temporary repeaters they stand up at the command centers, or do they have permanent infrastructure for them around the country?
I'm very close to Altadena (on the northern Pasadena border) and I'm not hearing any simplex traffic on the 8TAC channels. During their first week of deployment, I often heard mention of them using an "LE" radio but I haven't heard them mention that recently. They are still deployed in Altadena, but I think it's more to discourage looting vs traffic control. On the 8TAC repeater channels, I am hearing the hourly radio checks.I finally got around to adding the 8TAC frequencies to a scanner. Hearing lots of radio checks, but very little else. I'm not line of site with Altadena of Palisades, so some units may be using direct (simplex) mode.