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XTL/XTS5000 Astro25 UHF high power thorn in my side.

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Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
OK, I have this radio, it almost works and almost programs by the book, but nothing completely.
Current setup is with an 03 HHCU and proper flex and RIB.
A day dic#ing with this I managed to get 3 conventional simplex channels working. It does not like repeater programming.
Now the brick is fixed with the hardware encyption module, that leaves me with one useable flex.
TX looks good and does receive (Per busy light) but no speaker output on the accessory jack. OR simply won't unmute.
Other anomalies are menu and functions don't follow documentation in spite of programming.
An alternate configuration is a control group with 05 head, but get the FL 01-90 thing. another issue to resolve.
Radio still reads and writes with CPS though.
This is the 3rd '8 BALL' UHF high power radiothat doesn't go right.
Anyone messed with these, I am just trying to get the radio to program and work the way the book says it should.Screenshot (40).png


Aug 11, 2015
Where idiots grow on trees
I can try to break this down into multiple troubleshooting steps to make sure there aren't multiple intertwined issues:

The radio codeplug alias says it has a DEK. Was this codeplug ever set up for a siren module to be used as well? That affects control head functions and some audio functions overall - worth checking all that first to make sure its actually "ready" for an O3 head.

The FAIL 01/90 is a serial bus failure - still relates to above since everything talked serial/SB9600 on those models including a siren module or DEK that is now missing.

You can remove the UCM carrier and shield for troubleshooting, if you select Software Encryption under Secure Wide... otherwise it will give you a fail code for a missing encryption module. If you are having those errors with the module in, remove it anyway and select Software to see if it reduces issues. Those UCM carriers have failed in the past and can throw fail codes.

Hopefully others will chime in too. I would offer for you to PM me or send me a codeplug but I am in the "end of year rush" for work and can't spend much time on issues like this.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
Good points, but I do have service manuals, op manuals and install manuals.
I have the W3 HHCU and proper tib. With this, I was able to resolve the sound issue.
So basically, the radio works
The other control group is for the 05 head. that is the FL 01-90 error.
Tryed to synch and that failed, fairly certain it is the older firmware (R07.02.00) and latest .cvn file.
So looking to upgrade.
I removed all the DEK entries, and disabled soft/hardware encryption.
So basically the radio does work, but programming some user head controls and features, it just ignores.
No power button function, no menu, and mode only changes TGs
The UCM 'used' to error key fail, but removing the cover reset it.
Why it is only these high power UHF radios I have problems with, I don't know but getting disappointed in them.
I see upgrading may be problematic. if so, I may PM you for assistance.
Your help is appreciated.


Aug 11, 2015
Where idiots grow on trees
Ok so...

W3 TIB and O5 TIB will be two different interfaces, can't use either together and codeplug will need to be changed (Change Head Type) and write said update before changing the TIB. Firmware does need to be updated for O-series heads, so your R07.02.00 is definitely an issue considering the radios ended life at R20.50.10. There are methods to update but I am pretty sure the mods/admins don't like discussion of it here.

UCM should say "key fail" if there are no keys loaded. You can reinstall it and just select "Software encryption" in the Secure Wide area of the codeplug until you decide to use hardware encryption and load keys.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
Yes. Correct. I am all too familiar with control groups and configurations. I have firmwares for the astro 25, from 14.00 to the last, 20.50.00.
Later I may try the 14.00.01. Can't find any release notes or TSMs re: the O series, and no doubt take some successive updates.
Done that with Mid power which I have 4 of those. The high power UHF is just an "8 ball". no J2 and must have the high power flex.
I'll leave the UCM installed with future playing with encryption in mind.
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